Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, October 31, 2014
Our call is urgent!
- Message No. 734 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and hear what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, have to say today to the children of the earth: You must convert and confess, for only through Jesus will you find salvation, only through HIM will you know salvation, and only with HIM will you enter His New Kingdom! So turn around and confess to HIM, because HE is the only one who can save you from decay and fall and can free you from the clutches of Satan.
Come to Jesus, My children, and do not waste your so precious time, given by the Father, with banalities and in aberrations! Our call is urgent, because very soon the end will come upon your world, and whoever has not consolidated himself in My Son will be carried away with all the "tide of evil" and will perish most cruelly, and that which will then await him will be incomparable to anything you have known so far on your earth: Shame and scruples will overtake you and your fear will be most panic-stricken! Your soul will be pressed equal to the crushing, and greatest pain you will suffer permanently. You will be exposed to flames and burn eternally, and the resulting pain you will feel to the point of fainting, but it will never pass away and you will not die nor feel your pain someday, for you were created for eternity, and for eternity you will suffer these and other torments!
So confess yourselves now, My flock of children so beloved by Me, and do not allow the devil to win over you! Run to Jesus and give Him your YES! Then you will be "free" and allowed to return home to the Father, but for the time being, all of you who are faithfully devoted to Jesus, may enter His New Kingdom and live with HIM!
My children. This will be a beautiful time! Look forward to it, for Heaven does too, and prepare yourselves now so that you will not be lost and will be lifted up to share in this so glorious time. Amen.
I call to you, My flock of children: Run to Jesus and implore HIM: For forgiveness and for salvation, for guidance and for direction! A YES is enough! So give it to HIM now. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Love Jesus as HE and the Father love you. Whoever has found this love in himself and lives it will not perish. Amen."
Our Lady and the saints of the communion of saints.
Source: ➥