Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
It is his biggest trap...!
- Message No. 703 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Write, My daughter, and today please tell the children of the earth the following: You must confess, repent and find your way to My Son, your Jesus, for otherwise your soul will be lost, and eternity at the side of the Lord and Father you will not obtain, but torment and distress and anguish in the hell of the beast, for as soon as your time on earth comes to an end, that -if you do not convert- will be the last abode of your soul -yours-.
My children. Pray that the Holy Spirit may give you enlightenment, so that you may recognize the tricks that the evil one uses to keep you away from God the Father! You must break out of the vicious circle of your earthly existence that has become so "normal" and really realize what is important: eternity at the Lord's side, for which you are preparing yourselves HERE AND NOW!
My children. Don't get lost because of money, power and recognition "compulsion" that the devil instills in you and with which he seduces you among other things! It is his biggest trap, just like the sexual behavior of yours, which you "live out" nowadays without shyness, without morality and without humility.
My children. The union of man and woman (!) is a wonderful thing, an act of true love, from which life arises/can arise! Live it as such and do not use it as satisfaction of your lower feelings!
The love between man and woman is "crowned" in the union, and out of this union a new life is born, a child, which comes/born full of hope and joy into your FULLY FORMED (sacrament of marriage) family.
This is how God, your Father, intended life, but you have completely "degenerated" it! Man and man, woman and woman, sex at all hours of the day (and night), changing partners, orgies - it is horrible and disgusting, and it will never bring you close to the Lord!
You are not loving, you are only "pleasuring" yourselves, and it is at the expense of the partner chosen for the act, at the expense of the children you have aborted, and at the expense of your eternity!!!!
Don't you see how life has been "ordained" by God!!! It is such a wonderful and beautiful and marvelous order, yet you let the serpent lead you deeper and deeper into the darkness of sin, where "murder of innocents (!)" (abortion) is part of the "normal" agenda!
You are lost, contaminated and blinded! The beast has you in its power! See it and break out! It is not too late, My children!
Don't have sex because you seek satisfaction, but walk the steps that God the Father has given: In the covenant of Holy Matrimony (sacrament of marriage before God (!)) to the conception of new life!
Trust in God! Trust in the Father! HE knows what is right for you, and HE suffers greatly from your behavior, because you have profaned what is life-giving and holy, you murder and are closer to the devil than you ever were to God, your Creator!
Repent and live as the Father intended for you. Then you have a chance for eternity at His side! But otherwise you will be lost forever, and your torment will be cruel and great!
Convert now, My beloved children, and become worthy children of God! So you have a chance at the Lord's eternity and do not perish in the damnation of evil!
Give your YES to Jesus! That is the first step to repentance! Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Wake up, My children, and find the way to Me, to your Creator. Amen. God the Father in Heaven, who loves you so much. Amen."
--- "My child. Make this message known as soon as possible so that many more children may repent. Amen.
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation."
Source: ➥