Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
The path you walk decides where you will spend your eternity!
- Message No. 702 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: The path you walk decides where you will spend your eternity! So consider well if the path you are on is the path to the Lord's eternity!
ALL OTHER WAYS lead you exclusively INTO THE DEVIL'S HELL, even though so many of you say hell does not exist!
Your awakening will be terrible, because as soon as you stand in front of the push into hell, there will be no turning back for you/your soul. You will be lost, and you will not know the glory of the Lord.
So consider well the path you are on, and turn back before it is too late! Only Jesus is the way to the Father! Only HE is the key to the New Kingdom! Only with HIM you will experience love, joy and true, everlasting happiness! Only through HIM you will find the Father!
Convert yourselves then! Correct your way! And run to Jesus in His Holy Arms, because each one of you He expects, and each one of you He looks forward to, and each one of you He will lead to the Father, as soon as you confess Him!
What are you waiting for, My beloved children! Now shout your YES to Jesus! Shout it to HIM with joy and confidence and let HIM participate in your life! Then, My dear children, you will find your way to the Father, and your eternity will be wonderful. Amen. So be it.
Confess now and wait no longer, for time is pressing, and sooner than you think this world will end. Amen. With motherly love, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much. Amen.
Source: ➥