Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Do not allow doubts, only the evil one sows doubts!
- Message No. 659 -

My child. Please tell Our children the following today: You must pray, My children, for it is in prayer that you find strength. Prayer is indispensable and especially in your present time, where evil is on the rise and world domination is not only sought by the devil, but threatens to be implemented.
Therefore, My children, pray, for in prayer you are very close to Us, to My Son, to Me and to your saints, and in prayer you will be given the strength and confidence you need to endure these end times.
My children. Your prayer is important. Important for EVERYTHING! It keeps evil away! It heals, it gives strength, it breaks barriers, it brings peace, it gives intimacy, it makes you see clearly again, and it is your weapon in these days of the end.
My children. Use prayer and never let it get you down. The evil one has set his traps everywhere, and he is lying in wait for you. If you are with Jesus, nothing will happen to you, and at the end of days your soul will be saved.
Confess, My children, because confession purifies. It washes you clean of sin, for in confession you are forgiven, provided you repent.
Repent, My children, for in this way you are "forgiven" of your sin penalties, that is, you "work them off."
My children. Keep to Our Word, for it is the Word of the Lord, your Father and Creator in Heaven.
Pray, then, and confess, and do not allow doubts. Our word is Holy, and doubt sows only the wicked. Turn to the Holy Spirit of the Father and of the Son, that HE may endow you with understanding and clarity, and let Our Word rest, that is, give you the time you need to REALLY understand it. So be it. With love, your Mother of Lourdes.
Source: ➥