Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

You must be pure to experience this event in all its fullness!

- Message No. 658 -


My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the earth how important prayer is and how healing Holy Confession is. Help each other through prayer and convert, that is, find your way completely to My Son and let HIM guide you in all the affairs of your life.

Confess, My children, because Holy Confession washes you clean and the shadows on your soul disappear, i.e. they are taken away from you through the purification process of repentance and penance, which go hand in hand with confession, because only he who repents can be washed clean, but he who has no repentance in him cannot be forgiven.

Repentance serves as a sacrifice for your evil deeds committed, that is, for everything where you have erred. Do it in love and do it in joy, for in this way you give My Son and the Father great joy, a great gift.

My children. Prepare for the great day of joy and purify yourselves, because Jesus is coming and will "stand before you" and this will be a moment of perfect surrender, love and joy when you are ready and have washed yourselves clean.

My children. Await this day in the greatest joy, for it is such a precious gift for you. Many souls will see the light for the first time, and they will repent and find Jesus. Others will be overwhelmed with happiness and joy, but you must be pure to experience this event in all its fullness.

My children. Prepare yourselves, for this moment is now soon to come. I love you.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of Lourdes. Amen.

--- "Rejoice, My children, for you will see Jesus. Amen.

An angel from the 7 choirs."

Source: ➥