Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Only HE can release you from the devil's spell!
- Message No. 635 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Us. Sacrifice everything. It is needed so much, My daughter. Please tell Our children the following today: It is time to confess, because when the end comes upon you, it will be too late for you. You must now consolidate yourselves in Jesus, live with HIM, trust in HIM and resist temptations of the devil, otherwise you will perish, because you are not consolidated in the Lord, have not trusted in HIM, have not shared your life with HIM, but you have gone into the devil's nets, you have pleasured yourselves, you have defiled yourselves, you have sinned, so you will fall prey to him, but you will not go along with Jesus when the gates of the New Kingdom will be opened and the era of 1000 years of peace will dawn.
My children. Do not be foolish. Confess Jesus, your only way to "freedom"! Only HE can release you from the devil's spell! Only HE can break the chains that were put on many of you! Only HE is the way to the Father! And only by your YES to HIM, you will get rid of the beast and will be led to the Father!
My children. Give yourselves completely to Jesus, to your Savior who loves you so much, and let go of the earthly things which hold you so captive! Whoever is with Jesus will be fine and his soul will experience eternal salvation.
Convert, My children, and give your YES to Jesus! Then you too will enter into the New Glory of the Lord and live in great and unspeakable joy, love and fulfillment.
What are you waiting for? Every day that you let pass, you are more distant from the Father. Say YES to Jesus and get to know the happiness of heaven. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥