Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, July 28, 2014
Who loves Jesus is never alone!
- Message No. 634 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Whoever loves Jesus is never alone. He is loved back, given joy, and small and great miracles are experienced in his life.
He feels contentment, and he feels happiness and is a whole lot closer to heaven than the one who pushes Jesus aside, does not acknowledge HIM, the Son of the Almighty, as HIM, does not give HIM his YES and shapes and leads his life far away from HIM.
My children. Who does not find to Jesus, the kingdom of heaven will remain closed to him! Who does not honor HIM, will not experience His miracles! Who does not communicate with HIM, will not decipher the secrets of the Father in heaven. God the Father will remain a mystery to him, and never will he find to HIM.
So open yourselves all to Jesus! Give your love, your life, your existence to HIM! So your eternity will be in glory, because what you give to Jesus today will be multiplied tomorrow to you and to those for whom you pray and ask again and again, i.e. you will get it back multiplied by the Lord in glory, because His love is great, it is infinite, and every child who is faithful and devoted to HIM in love, HE will raise and shower with HIS riches.
My children. A more beautiful gift, than eternity with HIM, does not exist. So come to HIM! Love HIM! Honor Him! Become one with HIM! And live already now with HIM at your side. So it will be in eternity, in a glory, which you cannot imagine here on earth.
Come, My children, come. The Lord awaits you. With arms wide open He stands ready to receive each one of you, so come to HIM and become one with HIM. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥