Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, May 31, 2014
My light will prevail!
- Message No. 572 -

My child. My dear child. All is well, My daughter. Today, please tell Our children the following: The light of your earth comes from Me, from your Jesus. I give it to everyone who loves Me, and it will never go out in My faithful children. I also give it to those who do not love Me, who have not (yet) converted to Me, but My light will not shine on them for long, for darkness will befall your earth, as well as the souls who are not with Me.
My children. I love you all so much! Pray for each other, so that I, your Holy Jesus, can still save many souls! More and more I am being "expelled" from the earth, quite deliberately by those who strive for world domination. They bring the "darkness" at the behest of their demonic prince, who appointed himself the "prince of darkness". And nothing else will he bring to you through his henchmen and demons, for he who lives in darkness shuns My light, and therefore he will do his utmost to drive Me away and extinguish My light, but, My children so beloved of Me, My light NEVER goes out!
My light is life! My light brings love! My light brings joy and fulfills! And all My beloved faithful children will carry this light forever, and no devil, no demon, no henchman will be able to extinguish it, because My light is stronger than any darkness, My light is powerful and will put the prince of darkness in his place, My light is Divine, My light will prevail!
So come all to Me, My so beloved children, and become faithful followers of Mine, so My Light will shine in you forever, and neither the "prince", nor his "darkness" will prevail over you!
Come, My so beloved children, come, and together we will stand through these last attempts of Satan's takeover! As soon as it looks as if everything is "lost", I will come and carry away the victory. Believe and trust, for so it will be.
Your loving Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children.
--- "My child. Many calamities are yet to come, but all those who are faithful to My Son have nothing to fear.
Pray, My children, pray, for your prayer keeps so much from the planned evil. Amen. Your/your Mother in Heaven who loves you/you. Amen."
Source: ➥