Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 30, 2014
My son will NEVER leave you alone!
- Message No. 571 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am here to tell you and Our children the following: Do not be afraid, My children so loved by Me, for My Son will NEVER leave you alone! Everything that comes to you now, you must accept in love and ask My Son to carry it with you, to carry it for you! The attacks of evil you will now feel everywhere, but please remain in love and stay calm. My Son will take every burden from you! Believe and trust, My so beloved children!
The devil plants hatred and envy and ill-will in the hearts of Our children and especially in those who are not with My Son, who do not live with HIM, who have not given HIM their YES. Through them he then consciously attacks Our faithful children, but also many others, only these themselves carry much of the devilish feelings within themselves.
My children. Pray for these poor souls, because they are usually not even aware of this "manipulation". Even if they have given themselves to the devil, you must pray for them so that the love of My Son can reach their hearts. A small spark is enough to make this soul repent! Believe and trust, My so beloved children!
Now there will be more and more "callous" people among you. They have "lost" all inhibitions, are "cold" and without emotion. It literally leaves them "cold" to do evil to a fellow brother, and their atrocities will be unrestrained. The crime degenerates, but you, My dear children, must always stay with Jesus and nothing evil will happen to you!
Ask daily for protection and be very close to My Son! I spread My mantle of protection over everyone who asks Me for it, and with the Holy Sword of the Archangel Michael, as well as the clear direction of the Holy Spirit, you will not be lost and will always be protected, but you must ask for Our protection at least once a day.
Call upon St. Michael the Archangel! Pray to the Holy Spirit for clarity and guidance, and ask Me, the handmaid of the Lord, for My protection, and it will be granted to you! No one who asks Us, prays to Us, calls to Us, We will reject. So now follow My call and withstand the attacks of the devil. No matter what method he will use for his attacks, always remain in love and with My Son. I love you dearly, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥