Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
There is still much you do not understand!
- Message No. 568 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter. I, your Father in Heaven, want to instruct My children today: Trust, My children, trust! Everything We tell you is for your preparation!
Believe, My children, believe! For only the faithful will find their way to Me! Only they will understand! Only they will walk with Jesus!
Purify yourselves, My children, purify yourselves! Repent, repent and seek your Holy Confession, for your sins are forgiven by My Holy Son, your Jesus, who has appointed His ordained priests for this great gift of forgiveness. Through them you obtain the acquittal of your misdeeds, for Jesus has called them to this great "act of love" toward you!
Remain faithful to Jesus, My beloved children, because HE IS THE WAY, THE LIGHT and THE LOVE! HE IS MERCY and through HIM you enter the New Kingdom!
Love HIM, My Holy Son, your Savior, and become worthy to enter into My New Paradise! Only the one who is pure in heart and has confessed Jesus will own this so wonderful gift, i.e. he will enter the New Glory, and 1000 years of peace will await him there!
My children. There is still much that you do not understand, and only with humility, faith and through the Holy Spirit you will become more and more "enlightened"! You will learn to understand connections, processes and predictions, but you must remain in humility and not put every word on the gold scale!
The answer lies in you, in your heart, because there We, I, your Father in heaven, Jesus, My Holy Son, and Our Holy Spirit, who gives you the "gift of understanding", work, provided you ask Him fervently, believe, trust and remain in humility!
Jesus: You will hardly explain Our Word with the mind, for that is not given to you, but to him who reads with the heart, in humility and trust and sincere faith.
So pray to the Holy Spirit for this wonderful gift, and let yourselves fall and be led by Me, your Jesus.
Prayer #35: Prayer to the Holy Spirit for strengthening of faith Holy Spirit, endow me with the gift of understanding.
Make my heart all pure and humble and strengthen my faith and trust.
Help me to be completely with Jesus and listen to HIM.
Help me not to interpret His Word, but to understand it, so that I can let myself fall completely into His arms and that HE will be my guide from now on.
Our Lady: My child. This prayer will help many of Our children to attain and live the real closeness of Jesus and to understand Our Word (with the heart). Amen.
In deep love, your Father in Heaven with Jesus and Mary. Amen.
Source: ➥