Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, May 26, 2014
See what is happening in the world! See what is happening in Europe!
- Message No. 567 -

Only prayer will save you from the third world war!
My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and write, My child, what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say to My children today: the miracles that will happen will be many, because I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am showing you that everything predicted to you is true and is NOW HAPPENING! Even the unbelievers can no longer deny Our truth!
Everything that We tell you is happening NOW! You cannot deny it and yet so many close their eyes to the truth and remain stubborn and immobile as if the end will not come! Wake up! Rise up! Confess to the Lord! He who closes his eyes to the truth will perish, and in darkness and torment his soul will suffer, wither, but never die!
My children. Believe in the miracles, which become more and more! Believe in My apparitions! Believe in Our Word! Listen to Us! And pray, pray, pray! Only prayer will save you from the third world war! Only the Lord can send His graces now, bringing mildness and meekness over the earth!
Believe, My children!
Trust, My children!
And Pray, My children!
See what is happening in the world! See what is happening in Europe!
The "mass of man" is manipulated and "digs its grave of damnation", i.e. you yourselves determine your downfall, and your discontent "seduces" you to irrational acts fomented as always by the devil, but you don't want to notice it(!)- which bring you all ruin and damnation!
Children, wake up and fill your hearts with real, true love! This love, of which I speak, heals all your wounds! It gives you contentment, fulfillment and peace, and makes you happy and joyful! It is this love of My Son, which He gives you, filling you with it, as soon as you turn to Him!
Your salvation from all your troubles is Jesus! No one who is with HIM will ever be dissatisfied! No one will feel sorrow and discontent! Come to HIM, to your Savior, and become happy at last! I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, ask you to do so, because it pains Me deeply to see you forging your own unhappiness!
Confess yourselves to Jesus! Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥