Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, October 18, 2013
"My children are dying. Pray for them. For everyone, worldwide."
- Message No. 313 -

My child. My dear child. Persecutions are taking place all over the world, but the world reports nothing about it. In Africa they are "experimenting" with the poorest, and especially the smallest are suffering, as of course are their mothers and fathers, but it is the smallest who are helplessly vaccinated and thus destroyed, for what they are administered serves to reduce humanity.
My children. Superficially "they" put everything in beautiful light, but the truth is cruel. The helpers don't see it, believe they are doing good to the smallest, but unfortunately it is not so. Your world is dominated by the lodges of evil, of horror, and everywhere its members are to be found. In the highest positions they pull the strings, decide, cover up and manipulate the world, the masses, as they please, and Our children believe and follow them blindly.
My children. My beloved children. You must awaken and see the background! You must see through the cords and know that you will only hear and see what the evil one of the evil ones wants.
It is not for your good, no matter how you behave and decide. He, the root of evil, wants to rule you all and succeeds, because so many of you believe his empty promises, so many sell themselves, their souls for money and fame and do not see what end they will come to.
You sin against the innocent. You exterminate them, you use them and you trample them underfoot. This is not the way to do it. Your punishment will be just, but the Father's mercy is so great that HE also grants you the chance to repent. HIS love is omnipotent and HIS heart so full of love for each of His children that HE overlooks your shortcomings and sees only the good in you. I.e. not that HE appreciates and approves what you do sinfully, but HE sees the good in you, emphasizes it and gives you so the possibility to find again on the right way, the way to HIM.
My children. Heaven is sad, because the persecutions and murders are increasing. You officially murder, but you have no police for this kind of crime.
My children. Stop and turn back! Do not obstruct your way to eternity even more, because when the day has come and the decision has been made, Satan will show his true face to you as well, and nothing will remain for you of fame and power, of money and possessions.
Only an agonizing existence you will have, in terror, suffering and distress. And all that you do to the innocent, you will suffer a million times yourselves, because eternity is everlasting, and the time you know is nothing against it. That is, you will suffer without end, and your torment will be great.
My children. Come to Jesus, all of you, for only HE can redeem you too. Whoever does not listen to Our call, whoever does not follow it, will become aware of the suffering of hell, and the glories of the Lord will remain closed to him forever.
Turn back, My children, and give your YES to Jesus. It is not too late for that.
Come now, My children, for My Son loves you too. Amen.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
"My child. My flower. Now you are back. Pray for the little ones of the world, because they are used as guinea pigs. This is the call of Therese, who cares for all the little ones. I love you. Amen. Your Saint Bonaventure"
Vision: Therese shows me the little ones in Africa, and then She shows me the little ones in hospitals worldwide. "It's happening all over the world. Even in white hospitals."
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