Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The devil trembles as soon as you call upon Us and ask for protection!
- Message No. 310 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, have been violated, but the world does not see it.
Do you, My beloved children, not have the courage to see it? Or do you know so little about Me that therefore you do not notice it?
My children. My desecration began when I let you know it. My desecration also took place publicly now and will continue. My holy objects have been exchanged and taken away from Me, My face is "disfigured" with ugly symbols that are not (yet) visible to the naked eye.
But, My beloved children, look closely! For already in My holy places they "rage"! "Their" symbols, the symbols of the Beast, are found in churches and on sacred property worldwide! And it will become more and more! It will become more and more pagan, and worse than that it will become more and more satanic!
My children. I, your beloved Mother in Heaven, have been dishonored by the worshipers of Satan, but believe and trust, for it will be I who will crush his (the beast's) head!
Nothing will he ever be able to do to Me to diminish My power, My position over him, for it is God the Father who has provided Me with this grace, and it is HE, Our Almighty Father, who has entrusted Me with this mission, the preparation of hearts, for this very difficult time, the end times.
The head of the serpent will be crushed, and the victory of My Son over the beast will come. The Archangel Michael stands ready with His army, and no one does the devil fear as much as HIM. Our power is great, because the Father gave it to Us, and the devil trembles as soon as you call upon Us and ask for protection. That is why he tries everything to remove Us from your life, to disgrace, disfigure, dishonor, even profane Me, your Most Holy Mother, but the Father's power is greater!
The prayer of the Holy Archangel Michael*, which was deliberately removed from your Holy Masses, you must now pray again more intensely, because HE puts Lucifer in his place and will come out with a raised sword in the battle against evil.
My children. Believe and trust, and see what has already been done to Me, your Mother in Heaven. I love you. Please continue to pray for My Holy Face and in the intentions of My Son, and so offer Us your Mass visits as well.
Thank you, My children. I love you very much.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
"Listen to what Mary is saying to you, for you must look and be vigilant. I, an angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen."
"Pray, My children. Only prayer will save you from the worst. Your Jesus with Joseph and the communion of saints. Amen."
"So be it, My child. I love you. Your Father in heaven. Amen."
* The prayer to St. Michael the Archangel: .
Holy Archangel Michael, defend us in battle. Against the wickedness and guile of the devil be Thou our protection. "GOD command him," we implore. But Thou, PRINCE of the Heavenly Hosts, overthrow Satan and the other evil spirits who roam the world to the ruin of souls, in the power of God down into hell. Amen.
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