Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, September 19, 2013
A terrible desecration of Mine will begin. Pray for your holy face!
- Message No. 279 -

My child. My dear child. Come to Me again and draw strength from Us, for you will need it more than ever.
My child. Tell Our children, that now the hideous desecration of My Face will take place, for if My statue is allowed to come, from Fatima to Rome, a terrible desecration of Mine will begin.
They will use Me, your heads of the Catholic Church in Rome, to worship Satan, to give him power over the Holy Church of My Son and your world. They will do this by holding numerous black masses against which you, My beloved children, must pray!
Your prayer will mitigate the power of these satanic tributes and weaken the power of the evil one who is this, the adversary of My Son and God Most High, known as Lucifer, the fallen angel, the beast, the serpent, the evil one, the devil and Satan.
My children. You must watch carefully when now, next month, My desecration will begin publicly. The signs will be visible to those who look carefully. However, all those who blindly follow the false prophet will believe that what is being done is for My glory, but it is not so.
Satan's power over your world will then, when the desecration of Mine has begun, rapidly increase, and more and more of God's children, and especially the consecrated servants among you who are and remain devoted to My Son, will experience suffering and hardship.
Pray, My children, pray, for the times will become terrible. Always believe in My Son and Us, and trust in HIM, for the one who trusts, who remains faithful to My Son and prays to Us, We will stand by him and, when it becomes necessary, Our miracles, which God the Father has in store for you in these terrible times, will be performed on you and your loved ones.
Pray, pray, pray, My children, that the tribulation, which is now increasing in severity, may not last too long. Prepare your hearts and souls and remain faithful to Us. Whoever does not break his loyalty to Us will soon be redeemed. This We promise you.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven with Jesus and the consent of your most loving Father in Heaven.
"Amen, I say this to you: Listen to what My Mother says and pray for Her Holy Face. Then your desecration will be mitigated, and your tears will prevail. The devil will be deprived of all power, and My Father's Holy Hand will bring justice. Believe and trust, for so it will be.
I love you.
Your Jesus."
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥