Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
You are a nation of "ice age", because your hearts are hypothermic!
- Message No. 278 -

St. Bonaventure sad: The state of your world grieves Me. Instead of helping each other, being there for each other, you prefer to do "your own thing", living as you wish, causing great suffering.
You no longer help each other, you condemn others without questioning, you are 'self-centered' and no longer know how to live together without quarreling, without hatred and without envy.
It is really a pity what is happening to your world, because it is beautiful. Created by Our Lord and Master, the Creator of all being. You don't take care of it, you don't respect it, just as you don't honor God, don't respect Him, and don't love or show respect to each other.
You are a nation of the "ice age", for your hearts are supercooled! A heart that has no love for its fellow man, no love for its earth on which it lives and no love for its Heavenly Father can only freeze into ice, for it is love that warms it, it is love that makes it feel good, it is love that cradles it in security and gives it peace and well-being.
My children. Without love, you are not worthy of life, without it you will destroy yourselves and your brothers. Without love, you will not find the way to the Father, and without love, the devil will take possession of you, if he hasn't already done so.
You don't realize it, you don't want to admit it, but where the heart is cold, the devil has already moved in. So look into your heart! Analyze your feelings! If they are not of pure love, then you must change and ask for help to find the way of divine love again. You must walk it and stay on it, and We, your saints and angels and all Heaven united, are there for you to help you.
Call Us, and We will guide you! We will give you protection from evil, and We will guide you to God the Father, for whoever asks Us, We will help him.
So be it.
Your Bonaventure who loves you.
Go now. Amen.
----- "Jesus is here for you."
"It is important that you write down Our Word so that many children can hear it. Continue your work as before and come to Us more often. We will give you the time, you will see, because your day will be regulated by Heaven, by Us. Believe and trust, for so it will be.
Your Mother in Heaven."
Mother of God with the dead Jesus in her arms: "I carry the suffering of the world within Me. That which was inflicted on My Son still pierces My Holy Mother's Heart today. Therefore, be good to each other and come to HIM, otherwise everything was in vain. Your Mary. My suffering will continue until the day of the conversion of all the children of God."
Child Jesus with open arms: "I am always there for you. So it is and so it will be forever. Amen. Your Jesus."
Jesus on the cross: "My death on the cross is your redemption, your deliverance from the mire of sin. Accept My sacrifice and come to Me, for I await you and want to bestow upon you the riches of My Father. Your Jesus who loves you so much. Amen."
Source: ➥