Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Those who have read My Holy Father's book will now be able to interpret the signs of the times with ever greater clarity. - 30./
- Message No. 249 -

My child. Sit with Me and write. The time is pressing. Your days on this world known to you are coming to an end, and the bulk of humanity does not realize it, for they are closed, preoccupied with themselves and so far from the Father, the Creator of themselves and all being, that they will perish and "awaken" only much too late, namely when the pull of the lake of fire pulls at them, tugs at them and wants to carry them away into the depths of the abyss from which there will be no escape and no salvation.
Your prayers, My dear children, mitigate many things, and many of Our "sleeping .
sheeple" will be saved through your devotion to Us. But this does not apply to all of God's children, because not everyone has a loving person to whom his salvation is sacred, not everyone will be saved out of pure mercy and suffering of others, if he does not also contribute something himself!
You must convert, because My Son can only take those of you who have given Him their YES. Whoever does not follow My Son, does not give HIM his YES and does not acknowledge HIM, cannot enter the New Kingdom, because it is the Kingdom of My Son, and it is HE who will rule it!
He who does not turn away of his own free will from the evil of sin and the evil itself, cannot enter into this wonderful New World! Only who is pure in heart, the door will be opened to him, but who is impure, corrupt and bad, it will remain closed to him!
My Holy Son is your key into this wonderful glory, and only who loves HIM is worthy to enter there. It will do you no good to say, "Oh, I'll let the others pray, they are already praying for me." NO! You must change! You must repent! You must become good and pure in heart and soul!
Your deeds must be exemplary, otherwise Jesus will not be able to set you free. The devil does not give anyone out of his clutches voluntarily, i.e. you must change and REPENT from him! Who does not renounce him, the evil, himself, will always remain his slave! Whether you are aware of it or not! This is how it will be! So turn around and give your YES to Jesus willingly and full of joy! Because if you say YES to Jesus, follow HIM, trust HIM, then the devil loses his power over you!
Never forget that My Son will be victorious! Only a short time is granted to the devil to do his mischief here on earth. So turn away from him, from his traps, from his sins, his seductions and all the "hollowness" that dominates your world and your life, and turn to Jesus, your Savior! Only with HIM you will find the Father! Only with HIM you will attain Eternal Life! Only with HIM you will be able to enter your promised inheritance! So what are you waiting for?
The time is pressing! When the day of great joy has come, you will have to have given your YES to Jesus, and in order to be allowed to experience the togetherness with HIM as perfect happiness, you will have to have given your YES to HIM!
You are blocking your way to glory by persevering in sin, lukewarmness, and strayedness without even wanting to change anything about yourselves and your lives! You must change and go towards Jesus, because HE is always there for you! He is with you, dwells in you, but you do not see Him, do not hear Him, do not feel Him!
How sad My Son is that you have moved so far away from HIM! How sad is God, the Father of all of us, that His children have left Him. Now you have the chance to find again to HIM, to the only and true Triune God, and so now ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you, Jesus to guide you, and thank and honor and show respect to your God! Love Him! Honor HIM! Live with HIM!
Then, My so beloved children, your soul will be set free again, your heart will shout for joy, and you will be wonderfully happy children of God, freed from the clutches of the devil and cradled in the arms of your Father! You will be witnesses of the New Kingdom, for you are all children of the end times. And whoever has read the book of My Holy Father will now be able to interpret the signs of the times with more and more clarity.
So come to the Father, to the Holy Spirit and to Me, for then you will be children of the New Kingdom.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven and your Jesus who loves you so much. Amen.
Source: ➥