Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, August 29, 2013
WE are the way to your New Home.
- Message No. 248 -

Oh My Child. My dear child. If you knew how much wickedness is in your world, you would desperately run to the Father, hoping for betterment, for relief, for love for this oh-so-beautiful world that HE, the Most High, has created for you, but you don't know, don't want to know, and far too well off are most of you to want God the Father in your lives, because this would mean a radical and consequent change of their lifestyle, their way of life, and since they are still all too well off, they prefer to remain in their "abominable" life, because it is self-centered, built only on themselves and on power, greed and avarice, and you don't want to change anything, because you are afraid that YOU could come off badly, but it is not so at all.
The opposite is the case and if you would all run into your Father's arms, you could finally be free of fear and full of joy, you could live happily, joyfully and freely, because the Father gives you everything. He, who created you and this so wonderful world, has the greatest gifts ready for you. He, who loves you so much, takes care of EVERYTHING in your life.
"HE, who has taken you into HIS heart, loves you, cares for you, and nothing gives HIM greater joy than that you find the way to HIM again, go to HIM, and come into HIS arms!
Turn back! Come to God the Father and to Me, your Jesus who loves and waits for you so much, and great will be the joy of all of us, great the gifts that MY, who is also your Father, has in store for you, and great the joy and the love that WE will give you.
Believe and trust and come to US, for WE are the way to your New Home, I am the way to the Father, and MY Mother brings you to Me.
Believe and trust and open your heart again! For US, for the Father, for Me and for My Mother.
I love you so much. We love you so much!
Your loving Mother in Heaven and your loving Jesus.
Source: ➥