Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Soon you will be delivered from the dark dominion of Satan!
- Message No. 240 -

My child. My dear child. Much suffering is still needed for the salvation of many souls, for the darkness of the devil dwells within them, and only your prayer and sacrifice and atonement can save these souls.
My child. Soon you will be freed from the dark dominion of Satan, for My Holy Son is sent to lead you all into the New Glory. Before that, however, your days will seem dark and hopeless, but this condition will not last long.
Be sure that each one of you who atones and prays, believes in Me, God the Father and His Holy Son, and trusts Us, will not be overcome by hopelessness! Be sure of this, because it will be only the unbelieving, lost souls who will live in heaviness, desolation and unbearable suffering due to Satan's rule.
We, all Heaven united, take care of Our faithful children, for through you the entrance into the New Glory of God the Father, the New Kingdom of My Son, will be great and full of joy, and thank You We will, now and in eternity, for Our protection We grant you, Our love We give you, and Our joy We share with you!
Stay strong and always faithful to Us, then nothing will happen to you. The dark days will soon be over and the hypocrites of your present days will be banished. You will be allowed to live free from sin, and the promised true and eternal peace will become yours, as the love of God the Father will embrace each one of you and true happiness and fulfillment will become your gift.
Hold on a little longer, and offer everything you cannot carry to God, Our Lord! His Son will come and carry the burden with you, so you will be freed from the heaviness and suffering that can "crush" non-believers.
Believe and trust. I love you, My beloved children!
Bound in eternal love, your Mother in Heaven.
"My child. Make this known, and tell all Our children to persevere. Soon I will rush to you and free you from hatred and sin. I love you. Each one of you.
Your Holy Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"So be it, My child. Your ever-loving God the Father."
Source: ➥