Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Remain faithful to Me in these difficult times now coming!
- Message No. 220 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter. I, your Father in Heaven, am here to tell you and all My so beloved children that the evil will soon end and the glorious times will begin for My loving children. Hold on a little longer and keep giving your YES to My Holy Son, for in this way your soul will not suffer any harm, and you will be taken along into the New Era of Glory that will make you wonder and marvel, for it will be of the utmost beauty, and My almighty love will embrace everyone and become a gift.
My children, My dear children. Remain faithful to Me in these now coming difficult times and be sure that My hand will fall down and chastise those who want to bring more suffering and hardship to My beloved flock of children. Enough is enough, and let no one even dare to challenge Me, the Creator of all being, for this must not be.
Each one of you I love, for each one of you I have created the New Glory, and each one of you My Son will take with Him on the Day of Great Joy, but you must also want this and prepare yourselves and confess to Me, your Holy Father in Heaven. Whoever does not do this, whoever continues to linger in unbelief or worse, pays homage to the beast, is not worthy of Me and the doors of My Paradise will remain closed to him.
You do not have much time left to confess Me, for soon the end of your present time will come upon you! Do not wait too long, My beloved children, for I would like to cradle each one of you in My Father's arms, but sadly I already see those of you who will be lost.
Do not do this to yourselves! Do you not know the lies of the devil? You chose the wrong master as your Lord, and now you will experience suffering and torment, and all your punishments of sin and torture for what you have done to others.
Wake up, My beloved children, for I, your Father, have great things in store for you! Come to Me, to your Creator, and let yourselves be redeemed by Him who died for you. My Son will come to you and grant you a last chance, but whoever does not come to Him then will be lost. I love you from the depths of My Sacred Heart.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being.
Source: ➥