Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
It is the son of the devil who has entered the earth!
- Message No. 219 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. Please tell Our children this: Do not be blinded by the signs of your times that are currently circling the earth, for evil is in the devil's plan. The Antichrist is among you, but he shows his true face only to those who "love" him -a false love, because where the devil is, the love is not, who "idolize" and "worship" him, because it is the son of the devil who has entered the earth and slowly, insidiously, hypocritically, and with outsized charm, beguiles and draws to himself the "elite" of your countries, to then win them over and enforce the final plan, the destruction, control and takeover of your world.
Its forerunner is the false prophet, who gains popularity of the masses and lets himself be celebrated, as innovator of the Catholic Church, in which he "adapts" it to the present time, lets himself be "bathed" and cheered in the masses and more and more expels My Son from His Holy Church and replaces HIM with idols and the beast, which prepared Himself for this evil time.
Wake up and see what is happening in your world. It is not for nothing that God the Father sends you the disasters of the earth, so that you may wake up and see what times you are in. Turn around and prepare yourselves, because soon everything will happen very quickly. Once the Antichrist shows his true face, there will not be much time left for your preparation, because God the Father will intervene and the ultimate battle for souls will take place. Evil will be defeated, and Jesus will take all His faithful followers and give them eternal peace.
But until then, you must persevere, because bad times are coming. Those who do not prepare will have a very hard time, but those who confess My Son, nothing bad will happen to them. You must confess. That is your only chance. The Antichrist is cunning and will blind many of God's children, just as the false prophet is already doing now, and so many of God's children have already fallen for him.
Wake up! See what is happening around you! Interpret the signs of the times as they are. Everything is written in the Holy Book of your Father. Do not be blind and do not be deaf! Follow Our call and listen to Our Word! Only with Us, you will survive, only with My Son you will be able to enter into the New Glory.
Come, My children, come, because otherwise the devil will have an easy time with you, and the Antichrist will also blind you, as the false prophet does. Therefore, pray and ask for clarity and truth: Prayer no.26: Prayer for clarity and preservation from error and lies
Lord, grant me Your truth and let me distinguish between good and evil.
Lord, grant me Your Holy Spirit and the clarity I need to remain faithful to You in these difficult times.
Keep away from me, from my soul, all the lies of the antichrist and false prophet, and lift me up to You, so that I will not fall and stop in my tracks and (not) be led astray.
I love you, dear Father, and I thank you, Holy Spirit.
Forever I will live in Your service and prepare my soul for Your Son and eternity.
My child. This prayer spoken will help each one to keep clarity and purity so as not to fall for the Antichrist and his lies. The truth will be given to him and his soul will take the right path. Please pray it daily, for it will keep you from going astray and lying.
So be it.
My child. Make this known. I love you.
Your Mother in heaven. Mother of all God's children and your loving Jesus. Savior of all God's children.
Source: ➥