Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
The time of the end is approaching, yet you do not see it.
- Message No. 192 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. Sit down with Me.
What you are experiencing on your earth today is not willed by God the Father, for HE, who is pure love, has also intended pure love for you, but you can hardly live it on your earth today, for through the "apostasy" of Lucifer, who was once one of the most powerful angels in the kingdom of God, sin began, for through pride and ego, arrogance and disobedience, this pure love was defiled beyond recognition and since Lucifer, better known as Satan, as the devil, wanted to "rule" himself, thus placing himself above God the Father, the duality of good and evil began.
Since God the Father is a loving Father, HE gave to all the free will, in which HE will never intervene. Sadly, however, HE must watch how many of His children also direct their free will against HIM, the Creator of all being, and, like Lucifer, want to seize the power for themselves alone.
That this cannot go well, you know today, and the extent of the evil you see everywhere in your world. Only with God the Father can you live happily and contentedly. Only HE takes care of you. Only He can give you what your soul needs for its well-being. So come back to HIM and turn your back on the devil and all his evil with which he has infected you!
As soon as you have given your YES to Jesus, the devil will lose power over you until he has to give it up completely, because whoever confesses Jesus and God the Father, lives his life with you and aligns it to YOU, the devil cannot harm him in body and soul, because God the Father is greater than he.
HE is the only true God. Only HE is all-powerful, and only HE will protect you. Therefore, come to HIM and shake hands with Jesus, for HE will guide you, and eternally happy and in peaceful love you will live at HIS side.
So be it.
Have courage, My children, and turn back! I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
Amen, I say this to you: Only My Father is almighty.
Only with HIM will you experience happiness.
Only those who give their YES to Me can be saved and freed from the clutches of the beast.
Pray, My children, pray, for your prayer is powerful.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children.
My child. It is of utmost importance that Our dear children repent. The time of the end is approaching, but you do not see it.
I love you.
Your Father in Heaven.
God, the Most High.
Source: ➥