Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
You think you have much time left, but it is not so.
- Message No. 213 -

My child. My dear child. Write for Me. I, an angel of the Lord, want to warn you, because you think you have much time left, but it is not so. Whoever does not confess now, whoever does not prepare himself and does not convert, whoever does not repent of his sins and begins to do good for his fellow men, will have no time left, because soon the Son of the Lord will hurry to you, and they will not know how to endure the togetherness with HIM, because they have not prepared their souls, they have not opened their hearts for the Savior of the world, and they think that they do not need to have a Creator like God the Father, because after all they would have achieved everything by their own strength and effort.
How lost you are! How far away from the divine way, which is YOUR SALVATION! Only who trusts in God, will know HIM, only who gives his YES to Jesus, can be saved, only who prepares himself, his soul, his heart, opens himself for His Holy Creator, can enter into glory!
But whoever thinks that he does not need all this, will soon cry bitter tears. The abyss will open up for him and he will realize his mistake. But it will be too late and no salvation will be possible, because whoever has not confessed the Father will dig his "living grave" in the abyss of hell, where eternal damnation, torment and suffering, torture, horror and greatest torment will be his fate.
Wake up, then, and come all of you to Jesus, the Son of Our Lord, for thus you will enter into the eternity of your Father, the Creator of yourselves and all being, and great will be the joy of your soul, your heart will be refreshed, and happiness your friend.
Come then, dear children, and give your YES now! BEGIN TO SAY IT, and great will be your joy and the joy of heaven.
So be it.
Your angel of the Lord.
Thank you, My dear child. I bless you.
"Amen, this I tell you: much We have already told you. Much conversion has occurred.
Your prayer continues to save many souls, and the thanks of Heaven is near you.
Keep praying, My children, and great will be the number of children who go with us to My New Kingdom!
Great will be the joy in Heaven when we enter together into this wonderful Paradise that My Father created for all of us!
I love you, My children so loved by Me, and I look forward to this day.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"My child. My daughter. Tell Our children that time is pressing. The date is approaching and many are not yet converted.
Pray, pray, pray, so you ease the pain in My Father's Heart, and My tears turn into graces for the earth and for you, converting even more of My still lost children.
I embrace you with My Fatherly love and look forward to you when you enter your New Home.
I love you.
Your Father in Heaven. Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Thank you, My daughter. I love you."
Source: ➥