Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Fornication is one of the greatest evils of your time today, as well as the infanticide that results from it.
- Message No. 174 -

My child. My flower. I, your Saint Bonaventure, love you very much. The time is approaching and the end is soon. Therefore, My Sun, tell all God's children to prepare themselves, to open their hearts to the only true Son of God, to accept Him, to follow Him, and to give Him their YES.
Only in this way they will be able to enter Paradise, because only HE is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Tell this, My little flower, to all Our children. Great is the joy of Heaven, for many souls are converting. Sad is Heaven to see that so many indecencies are still being committed against God's children today.
Fornication is one of the greatest evils of your time, as well as the infanticide that results from it. Abortion is a mortal sin. Those who have abortions must answer for murder. Be aware of this, you irresponsible men and women, boys and girls, because pure sex will only bring you suffering.
Love each other, form a family, and only then have the union to have children.
Whoever keeps the commandments of God the Father, whoever learns to understand them, will be eternally happy.
And you, you evil, cold-hearted abortion doctors, get ready for your terrible punishment. God the Father looks down on you with disgust -although HE also loves you as children of God with all his heart- because you commit murder of innocent people and defend this great sin with heartless and God-removing justifications.
You see yourselves as "saviors" of these mothers, yet you drive them, the fathers and all who stand idly by and perhaps still support you in this, into deepest sin and thus close to damnation.
Repent! Repent of your deeds and become true children of God. Those who acknowledge and obey the word of your Father. Those to whom family and life are sacred.
Be warned, then, and repent. With a YES to Jesus, you are transforming your lives back to good. Arise, then, and rise from this nightmare you are living, for otherwise you will be lost forever.
The sin that you do, and the sin that you inflict on others and involve them in, will be written on you negatively as responsibility. So be warned and repent before it is too late. Jesus will save you too, for His heart is merciful.
So turn back and give your YES to Jesus! In this way you too can be saved and enter the eternal inheritance - promised and lovingly prepared by God the Father. Jesus will come and take you with him, but you must repent and do penance. Start with your YES to HIM.
So be it.
Your Saint Bonaventure, My child. Make this known.
Source: ➥