Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, June 14, 2013

With death, life begins!

- Message No. 172 -


My child. My dear child. Tell the world that We love them. All the children of this earth regardless of race, of creed, of religion and nationality. Tell them that it is very important to find to Us, to Jesus, because only with HIM, the Savior of the world, they will be able to find peace and live in tranquility and carefree.

My beloved children. I, your Mother in Heaven, would like to ask all of you to finally give your yes so that My Son can save you. Do not persist in unbelief. Do not aimlessly follow what the devil holds out to you. You are all intelligent beings, endowed with the miraculous works of God, who created you in His image.

So what are you waiting for, if only repentance is your only way to happiness and glory? Why are you wasting your time so senselessly with earthly trifles that have no value in the kingdom of God? What else do you need to wake up and run towards Jesus?

Prepare yourselves and listen to Our Word! It is given to you to find your way to God the Father, to enter eternity. What is life on earth compared to eternity? What are you here for, if not to prepare for entering the Kingdom of Heaven? What are you waiting for once you reach physical death? Who really believes that everything will be over then?

Children, wake up! Life begins with death! The only true life in peace! You will be at the side of Jesus, in the kingdom of His Father! Or you can go to hell and expose yourselves to eternal torment. Use your free will for good! If you are good, then good will also happen to you. But you have to open your heart and give your YES to Jesus!

What are you waiting for? No one will come to pull you out of your chairs, just so that you finally get moving. Turn off the TVs, turn off the radios and talk to Heaven! Don't chat on cell phones and computers, but talk to Us!

Whoever does not accept Us during his lifetime has no chance after his death, because the devil is just lurking and strikes as soon as he can. Then, My dear unbelievers, it will be too late to cry for help, for the fires of hell are already "burning" you, and your fall can no longer be stopped.

How you will cry out, plead and be miserable as you meet your doom with great horror. It is a fearful moment when the soul realizes where it is going, and it cannot be undone.

Therefore, turn back before it is too late, otherwise you will be lost forever.

I love you from the depths of My Mother's heart and I ask you, as the Mother of all God's children, to turn back so that your soul may be saved and you will not be subjected to the most dreadful torments forever.

So be it.

Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.

Thank you, My child, My daughter.

Source: ➥