Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Bear witness to your faith. Seek out your churches.
- Message No. 170 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I have to say: Never be sad and always be courageous, for sadness does not come from God, and before God's Word no one need be afraid, for it is the only truth and your guide to enter Heaven when the time comes for you.
Therefore, My beloved children, defend the Word of God, be courageous and dare to testify your faith, because only in this way will you be recognized as Christians. Only in this way will you come together as My Son's remnant army, and only in this way will you become more and more who join My Son and in love and joy - without pushing, without nagging and without "but you must" - pass on My Son's love, increase the faith and lead the still lost souls on the way to God the Father.
My children, do not impose yourselves on anyone, because that is not God's desire. Always remain in love, but defend the Word of God. That is, do not allow changes "imposed" on you by the devil to take root, but raise your voice and defend what Jesus exemplified to you.
Bear witness to your faith. Seek out your churches and say openly and honestly where you go on Sundays, why you come later on Saturday night and why you don't have "time" all day, because you attend Holy Masses and receive the Holy Eucharist to unite with My Son, you confess your sins, because you carry them into Confession, you are absolved of them (the sins) and you feel much better afterward, yes, as if you had been born again.
Bear witness to it!
You pray at home with your children, with your partner, before every meal and also on the way. You pause at 12 and at 3 p.m. and remember Me, your Holy Mother, and Jesus. Tell the people around you that you are doing this, why you are doing this, or what you are doing. You need to wake people up, and what better way to do that than to put your life completely at the service of God EVEN BEFORE OTHERS? They will hardly say "Oh, how stupid you are", because those who surround you are people who appreciate you.
We are not sending you into the "lion's den" nor are we asking you to make house calls. Just be yourselves and don't hide, that is, don't hide and cover up your faith, but live it openly and in joy. In this way you are wonderful instruments of My Sonand will visibly arouse interest.
Sometimes it takes time in the hearts of those who are still unbelievers, but they will always remember what you exemplify to them, and so slowly or even quickly -with prayer you can strengthen this very much- a reflection can take place, and the soul will get to know "Heaven" and will not deny it, not on the day of great joy and not even on previous ones, because they "know" through you that We exist, and sooner or later this will become clear to them.
So do not be sad and be courageous. Then, My beloved children, many more will find the way to Us, to Jesus, to God the Father.
I promise you that.
Your Holy Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My child, My daughter.
Source: ➥