Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
We will take care of all of them as soon as they give Us their consent.
- Message No. 169 -

Our Lady: "My child. My dear child. All the injustices will soon come to an end."
Jesus: "Do not despair, My beloved daughter. I, your Jesus, will not let you perish."
Our Lady: "Believe and trust and accept everything as it comes. These are very difficult times and one each of you, of all God's children, has something else to bear, something new to learn. Believe all of you and trust. And come to Us. Joyfully We await you, for the gates of heaven are open to those who are faithful to Us. All the children on earth We love, and for all We care, as soon as they give Us their consent."
"Dear children, come to Us. I, a Holy Angel of God, implore you to repent, to desist from evil and to ask St. Mary and Jesus for help. THEY will set you free, THEY will rush to your aid, THEY will guide you, and THEY will lead you to the arms of your Father.
God, the Most High, Our Creator of all, awaits each one of you, and with the help of Mary and Jesus, you all go to Heaven. All of Us stand ready for you, to defend you and free you from the clutches of evil and the Evil One.
We fight for you so that you, your soul, may find rest and live in happiness and gladness, peace and joy and deepest love, in the Kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem, which will come to your earth as soon as the last of all battles has been fought.
Come to Jesus, dear children. We, the Holy Angels of God, are ready for this battle. Say YES to Jesus, and run into the arms of your Heavenly Mother Mary. She, the ever-virgin God-bearer, is waiting for you. She holds the intercessions for you that touch the Sacred Heart of God the Father.
HE, the Most High, refuses YOU nothing. Therefore, dear children, turn to HER, and graces will descend upon you greatly and wonderfully through HER as your Advocate.
Believe, dear children, believe and trust. Soon heaven will come to earth and the greatest of all events will happen. You will attain long-awaited peace and live in everlasting love and joy. The glories of God the Father will be revealed to you, and you will be so perpetually happy that it is inconceivable to you as mere children of men.
Dear children, turn back and give your YES to your holy brother, Jesus Christ, the Savior of all God's children. With HIM you will reap the fruits promised to you. With HIM your life will change into a true, joyful one. He will give you the fulfillment that your soul longs for so much. And with HIM you will find your way to God the Father, because the bridge to HIM, the Almighty God, is HIM, His Holy Son.
Wait no more, but convert! Heaven is open to you with all His helpers.
Ask, and We come. Ask, and We hear. Ask again, and We hasten, for nothing is greater, nothing more glorious than the return of a lost child to His Father.
I love you.
Your Holy Angel(s) in Heaven."
"My child. Spread this message. It is very valuable.
Your loving mother in heaven."
Source: ➥