Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 10, 2013
The way to My Father AM I!
- Message No. 132 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I want to say to the world, to ALL the children of your earth: God, Our all Father, Creator of every soul, loves you all as you are, what you think, what you do, but, My beloved children, He is all the sadder when your thoughts, your way of life and your deeds are directed against HIM, the Most High.
No child is ever cast out because of the sins he has committed, and to every child HE gives the possibility to change, to mend and to live again with HIM, the Almighty.
Jesus has prepared this way for all of you, and through HIM, the only begotten Son of God, you find your way back to your Father, God the Most High.
It doesn't matter what you have done, what creed you have adopted, what color skin you have. The only thing that matters, and this is the prerequisite, is that you give your YES to Jesus, His holy Son crucified for you. Whoever does this, whoever trusts in Jesus, whoever walks his life with HIM, will attain the Kingdom of Heaven, who will become aware of the glory of God already here on earth, and whoever will change his life without really having to do anything for it.
My children. God the Father is waiting for you. HE has created a new home for you ALL, and the way to it is Jesus, His Most Holy Son. Whoever trusts HIM, whoever gives HIM his YES, whoever follows HIM, will find his way home. So turn to Jesus and invite HIM to dwell in your heart, then, My so beloved children, you will experience great joy and your life will be what God intended for you: the preparation for eternity in the kingdom of peace, love, bliss and with all the glories of God that will fill your soul and finally make you truly and forever happy.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of ALL the children of God.
Amen, I say this to you: The way to My Father AM I.
The way to the Kingdom of Heaven AM I.
The way to security I AM. The way to love AM I.
So whoever wants to attain the glories of God, to live in eternal peace and bliss, come to ME and follow ME, for I, the King of kings, lead you into My Kingdom, the newly created paradise that God the Father has created for each one of you.
So be it.
Your Jesus who loves you so much.
"My child, My dear child. I, your Saint Joseph, want to tell Our children worldwide that as soon as they give their irrevocable YES to Jesus, their soul will be saved, that they will then enter into eternity where the glory of God will make them marvel, that their life on earth will be transformed into love and peace, and where their soul will be healed.
It is a simple YES, but you must give it, otherwise you have no right to the inheritance promised to you by God the Father.
Whoever does not accept his inheritance, out of "not wanting", out of "not knowing", out of "I just don't decide", only the devil will remain as a way, and his final destination is the lake of fire.
Only one YES, My beloved children, and everything will be good for you, in the now and in eternity.
So be it.
Your Joseph who loves you."
Source: ➥