Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The great grace, the soul vision, will be given to every child of God, and every child of the earth will know the truth
- Message No. 130 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother of tears, am here with you.
It pains Me very much to see how far from faith in God the Father Our children have strayed. They have turned away from God, Our Father, and have thus fallen for Satan, but they do not realize it. They feel like "self-designers" and "all-rounders" of their lives and are proud of how great they are and how great they are. They are only interested in themselves and do not notice how much they harm themselves, harm their soul. They do not only go over "dead bodies", as one uses to say with you, but they destroy themselves the way into the eternal life in the kingdom of God, because they do not believe in HIM.
My children. Wake up! Only who lives with God, according to HIS rules and laws, will be allowed to live with HIM. Only who says YES to HIM, to Jesus, will find salvation. All those who believe Satan's lies - and these are so cleverly packaged that you do not recognize them as such - will end up in the lake of fire.
My children. Why do you think you are your own master? Why do you think that only you can improve your lives and that without your own deeds you would not be well? Why don't you entrust yourselves to Jesus and give yourselves and your lives to HIM. God the Father and HE take care of you. They guide you through life and into peaceful eternity. THEY give you love and care in ALL matters.
Come to Jesus! Give HIM your YES! HE is the way to God the Father! HE takes you into HIS Kingdom! Only HE is able to redeem you, because you cannot do it alone. Get down from your high horse and face the reality: Without God the Father nobody can exist, without HIM you would not exist. Without HIM you are not viable and without HIM there would be nothing.
Move away from you, from your ego and (again) towards God the Father. Whoever does not do this, who trusts in himself, falls into the trap of the devil, because EGO and PRIDE are the weapons he uses to keep the children of God away from their Creator.
So get ready and look forward to Jesus. HE will help you to go home, with HIM you will become happy and enjoy the love, the joy, the peace and the glories of God for eternity.
So give yourselves a jolt and say YES to My Son. He, who loves you so much, wants to take ALL the children of the earth to His New Paradise. Say YES to HIM. Trust in HIM. Then, My so beloved children, God's plan will be fulfilled for you, and you will be allowed to enter your promised and long-awaited inheritance.
Come, dear children, come. The doors of heaven are open to everyone who gives his YES to Jesus. The time of the great grace has begun. ALL God's children of every country, of every religion, of every race, has entry into the Kingdom of Heaven, but it must profess Jesus. The great grace, the soul vision, will be given to every child, and then, My so beloved children, ALL of you, no matter where you are and what you believe in, will come to know Jesus. You will then get the chance to change your life and give HIM your YES, but do not waste it. This is a great gift, a wonderful grace, and every child of the earth will know the truth. Take advantage of this gift, this grace that God the Father is offering you and take the only true way home with HIM, your Jesus. Otherwise, you will perish and be lost, and no one will come to save you, because only Jesus can do that.
Wake up, then, and recognize the way of truth. Whoever confesses Jesus now, His love is already being tangibly bestowed upon him. In the last days of these times, many graces will be prepared for him who gives his YES to Jesus and despair and desolation will not take hold of him.
So confess, you non-believers, and say YES to My Son. Your reward will be great, for whoever lives with Jesus, heaven is open to him.
Your Mother of Tears who loves you.
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥