Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, April 21, 2013
The paving of the way for millions of souls.
- Message No. 108 -

My child. My dear child. It is beautiful to see so many of Our children converting to Us, for in this way and only in this way can your world be cleansed of all the evil that has befallen it.
Every conversion that takes place causes great joy in Heaven. A soul that converts is assisted by numerous angels so that faith can be consolidated in it and it does not fall off balance due to doubts that the evil one tries to whisper to it through his demons.
So this soul is specially protected by these same caring angels that God the Father sends for this special mission. The soul is thus given the time it needs to completely turn around, to consolidate itself on the wonderful path to God the Father and to His Son.
My children, I, your Mother in Heaven, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your sacrifices and prayers that you offer to Us. God the Father sees everything and rejoices in sacrifices great and small, as each one can. Your fidelity to My Son in prayers, works and deeds, as well as the acceptance of sufferings for My Holy Son are paving the way for millions of souls who, through your devotion, are now finding their way to God the Father.
Continue in this way, My beloved children, and look forward to the day of great joy, for through your good works you will enter richly in number into the Kingdom of My so beloved Son and attain and enjoy Eternal Life at His side.
So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥