Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Great is the number of those who are converted by your works.
- Message No. 109 -

My child, I, your Saint Joseph, rejoice so much because the Heart of My Mary, Mother of you all, is overflowing with joy and happiness that so many children have confessed and are confessing Jesus, Our Son!
I also want to express My gratitude to all the children and ask you to continue to pray so lovingly in devotion to My Son who loves you so much.
My children. Keep it up, because great is the number of those who are converted by your works and exceeding great is the joy that We feel in Heaven.
Pray, My children, pray. For all your brothers and sisters. In this way, Jesus' desire will be fulfilled, and numerous you will enter His Kingdom.
Be ever vigilant and faithful to Jesus, for the enemy does not sleep. Frenzied with rage, he will make new evil plans to take revenge and steal souls.
So continue to pray so devotedly in My Son's intentions, so the evil enemy will have no power over you, and Jesus can continue to save so many souls.
The time you are living in is very precious because the battle for souls is coming to an end. Precious it is because so many are converting and My Son, supported by you who are His faithful followers and form His remnant army, is reaching even the darkest souls.
Pray, then, in His intentions, so that His desire may be fulfilled and not one of His children may be lost. The battle will be hard, but the light will prevail. Let us pray that even the most distant may confess My Son and that all God's children may attain eternal peace.
So be it.
Your loving Joseph. Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥