Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Don't believe the "so-and-so's" and open your eyes and ears.
- Message No. 104 -

My child. My dear child. Tell all Our children not to be deceived by words that are empty and without meaning for those who utter them.
The time will come and your eyes and ears will become "big" when the "true face" of those who feed you sweet lies, cajole and ensnare you, even speak to you from the soul, will be revealed.
Nothing of what they make you believe is true, for they who proclaim the Word of God from the highest of your earthly thrones are the enemy's advocates and know only too well how to capture you, My beloved children, with just these sweet words and many other hypocrisies, packaged in "fear of God", in "charm", in "messages of love and help", which only serve to "rope you in", in order to gain your complete trust, so that they can then "strike off" to implement their diabolical plans, and an easy thing it will be for them, because by the time you realize that they are playing a false game with you, it will already be too late.
My children! Wake up! Don't believe the "so-and-so's" who pretend to be My Son's successors, because the Chair of Peter is occupied by scum! The Church of My Son contaminated from within! His teachings will be changed, "adapted" and dismembered. Nothing shall remain of His true teachings, so skillfully will they play with your faith that you will fall into doubt if you do not open your eyes and ears!
Only your heart can you then still believe, but also only if it is really pure and My Son dwells in it, really dwells!
So turn back, My beloved children and confess Jesus! Love Him! Live with HIM! And observe His teachings! Then the hypocrites of today will not get power over you and the evil one will not catch your soul!
So run to My Son, your Jesus, and live with HIM in love and peace, because these are the gifts HE gives to everyone who opens himself to HIM.
Do not be afraid and trust in My Son! Whoever lives with Jesus lives happily and nothing that happens in the present time has power over him then.
So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥