Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Where everything and everyone is to be equal, God will no longer be found
- Message No. 103 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me. You must always be vigilant. In this day and age, nothing is as it seems. This is true for all Our beloved children.
That which you see forward is not what is being "done" behind your back. One "plays" with your innocence, with your credulity and plans bad things behind all the facades that are supposed to bring oh so promising innovations.
Everything is being "globalized", is being "harmonized", is being "simplified", so that even the most unsophisticated of you, can cope with everything that today's high-tech world offers you. Great for you, because you don't have to worry about anything anymore. No more learning formulas, understanding programs, searching for info in your outside world. No. You can now do everything with just a few "clicks" from home, and you don't have to go anywhere.
This is definitely practical, and this is exactly what the evil groups know, and because of this so wonderful simplification of things, whatever it is, you are now completely "transparent" and easy prey for the plans of the evil one, who is trying to trap you so that you can't find your way back home, to your Holy Creator.
My children, wake up! Don't you see how beautiful your earth is? Don't you see how wonderful Father God has made different plants grow in every country, on every continent, creating animals and forming cultures? Don't you see how diverse your earth is, and that it is absolute madness to want to have the same thing in every country and on every continent? How boring has it become to find the same thing everywhere in the world? A lot of things come from just one metropolis and can be found all over the world. Native crafts and arts are no longer special, because the "madness" of your globalization drives them further and further into a corner, and in a high-tech glamour world such as you have created for yourselves, such arts have little or no place.
This is your "supercooled" world of today, where the individual has long since ceased to count for anything. Where everything and all are to be equal, God will no longer be found. Because HE has created this multitude of differences and has provided each one of you with peculiarities. The masterpiece of His creation is man, so you, My beloved children, but instead of using your gifts for God, you use them against His creation and instead of deciding for HIM, you reject HIM and run into the trap of His adversary.
Wake up, little children, because the way to God is My Son. Only who confesses HIM will find peace and enter the New Kingdom with HIM.
Little children, I, your Mother in Heaven, am always there for you. I love you very much and I guide each one of you. When you are sad, I console you; when you need courage, I strengthen you.
Pray to Me and ask Me, and I promise that I will lead each one of you who desires it to My Son.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥