Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
You think that it can always go on like this on your earth, but there you are very mistaken.
- Message No. 92 -

My child. My dear child. The time will come when all that you are doing now will no longer be important.
My child. I, your Mother in Heaven, have come to tell you this for all Our children: prepare your souls, My beloved children, because the day will come when only those who are pure in heart will be received by My Son, Jesus Christ, to enter the Holy Paradise.
My children, those who are not pure in body, mind and soul will have a particularly difficult time, because where heaven merges with earth, entrance will be granted only to those who are pure and open-hearted and who have given their YES to My Son.
My children, you think it can go on and on like this on your earth, but you are very mistaken. God the Father has foretold these times, because He will not allow so many of His beloved children to be pushed into the earthly abyss. Pushed by their brothers and sisters who, instead of caring for all God's children, think only of their own good. You are "up to your head in water" and everyone is trying to get the best for himself, to have more and more and not to sink in the pull of the devil, who only increases your greed and makes you trample even worse on the "little ones" under you!
What kind of world is this that you have created for yourselves? Who wants to live in this world, far from good and without morals, without the guiding hand of God, because you have pushed it away?
You flourish in the greed of wanting to have more and more, you let yourselves be admired for your "position" in society, for your "wealth" and do not see how you are "eating out of the hand" of the devil, who has twisted your moral concepts, who puts sin as acceptable and even as good and who has blinded you to the love that God the Father has given to each one of you. This is a responsible love to use for your brothers and sisters, to help them, to "equalize" them, that is, to respect them, to acknowledge them, to serve them and to treat them with dignity.
In this world that you have created for yourselves, there is little that still pleases God the Father. But since HE sees how lost and confused His creatures are today, HE gives you the opportunity to repent. That is why there are so many visionary children in your world at this time, proclaiming His Holy Word. Accept it. Believe in the prophecies and turn back! Then, My beloved children, you also have the chance to enter the Jerusalem promised to you and enjoy the True Life. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥