Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Amen, I say this to you....

- Message No. 93 -


My child. My beloved daughter. I, your Jesus, have come to promise each of Our children the following: Whoever comes to Me will experience Eternal Life.

Whoever is faithful to Me, I will take him with Me at the end of days.

Whoever loves Me, I will take care of him.

He who gives his YES to Me and really trusts Me, does not need to take care of himself; for I, Jesus Christ, will then take care of you. So be it. Your Jesus.

Amen, I tell you this, whoever rejects Me, his Jesus, denies Me, spits on Me and tramples Me underfoot, I will follow him and give My light until he also believes in Me again. Because this little spark of hope, which then flames in his heart, can lead him to Me. But should he not use his chance and then not give Me his YES, I will desist from him, because then he has seen the light and does not want it, he judges himself, and nothing can I do for him then.

Amen, I say this to you. Whoever does not believe in Me, I now give him this chance to know Me and to love Me. With My Divine Light I will illuminate your hearts and Many of you will find Me, but the one of you who rejects Me even then, he will be lost, because then I can do nothing for him.

With love I will give you, I will illuminate your hearts with My Divine Light. Everyone who comes to Me, I will love and take with Me into My New Kingdom. But whoever rejects Me even then, let him be his own judge, for for him I will be able to do nothing more.

My Father's hand will fall down and push all My enemies into the lake of fire. Wake up, therefore, before that day dawns, for only in this way can you save your soul.

Come all to Me, your Jesus, and I promise that no one who loves Me will be lost.

In deep love to all My brothers and sisters.

Your Jesus.

Mary: My child. Your mission is important. This mission must go on, so put everything in the back. First you must write, everything else comes afterwards. I thank you, My dear child.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Source: ➥