Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
The Church, the Holy Body of My Son, has been dishonored.
- Message No. 65 -

My child. My dear child. It hurts Our hearts so much to see how many of Our children are blind to the false prophet after all. They believe that he, the worshipper of evil, is the true representative of My Son here on earth, but children, My beloved children, WATCH OUT, for he is not ordained by My Son.
God the Father has taken Jesus, your Jesus, to Himself in Heaven, for He cannot be in the Vatican, which has now been desecrated.
My child. My dear child. What you saw is the result of what is happening. The Church, the Holy Body of My Son, has been dishonored, desecrated and mocked, but people do not see it. How can My Son be present in a mass held by the worshipper of evil?
My children. My beloved children. This man, who is now sitting on the Chair of Peter, will do great harm to the Holy Catholic Church. The masses love him for it, because they, the masses of man, even today, after so many Holy Messages that I, My Son, God the Father have sent you, do not want to change. Rather the Church should find to them than they to Her. My beloved children, this is not the way.
Whoever does not open himself to My Holy Son will never attain the Kingdom of Heaven. Wake up! Open your eyes! Open your ears! And open your hearts! In this way, and only in this way, you can find My Son Jesus, who stands with open arms, waiting for each one of you.
My children. My beloved children. We, the whole Heaven, continue to fight for you, because We love you so much. Never will We give up the struggle for souls, so that you may all enter His Kingdom on the day of great joy with My Son, your Jesus.
I love you. Your Mother in Heaven.
Jesus: My beloved daughter. Write down your vision, for what you saw is true.
I love you. Your Jesus.
Mother of God: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass remains what it is, regardless of the fact that God the Father has taken Jesus, His Son, to Himself.
My child. My dear child. My Son is in every Host, that is, as soon as you receive the Holy Host, you receive Jesus. This does not change, although God the Father has taken Jesus, His Son, to Himself. I want you to know this because I see confusion in some of My children.
Thank you. Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥