Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Continue to attend My Holy Masses and receive the Holy Eucharist.
- Message No. 66 -

My beloved daughter. I, your Jesus, am present in every Holy Mass, but where the devil is worshipped, I cannot be.
My children, it is your light, My Holy Light in your hearts that makes Satan rage. Never despair and call upon Me when you are being mocked, insulted and attacked, for I, your Holy Jesus, will always stand by you.
Please continue to attend My Holy Masses and receive the Holy Eucharist as often as you are able. By receiving the Host, I will especially strengthen you, My beloved followers, but I will also give blessings and strength to those of you who do not have the opportunity of the daily Sacrifice of the Mass.
My children. My beloved children. Make yourselves ready for Me! Defend Me and remain strong! But do not quarrel. Those who do not want to hear from Me, pray for them. Prayer is and remains your strongest weapon in this battle for souls. Please remain faithful to Me and defend My Holy Word! Do not allow yourselves to be blinded by the false prophet and his "cronies", for they only want to confuse you and capture your souls. Stay with Me, your Jesus. Then nothing will happen to you, because then you are sure of a place in My New Kingdom.
I love you from the bottom of My heart and I fight for each one of you. Pray, My children, pray!
Pray also and especially for your enemies, even if it is difficult for you. You do not know how much good you are doing.
United in eternal love. Your beloved Jesus.
Source: ➥