Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Jesus: My Holy Promise
- Message No. 58 -

My child. My dear child. Rejoice, for today is a joyful day. My Son, Jesus Christ, has promised that He will give great graces to all the children who profess Him now, after this papal election and before the vision of souls, so that when the great "warning" comes, they will be prepared to survive it (the warning) and then, afterwards, to be able to follow Him, in prayer and in deed, so that then, on the day of great joy, they will be allowed to enter with Him into His Kingdom, the New World.
The devil is raging. After his dance of joy and the beginning of the great machinations that he is now trying to implement, he rages over this promise that My Son, Jesus Christ, is giving to His beloved children, because with this his plans will be thwarted and many of the souls that would not have survived the warning and would have been caught in his
My children. Rejoice! Such a chance, which was not foreseen in this way, shows the great love of My Son for each one of you, My beloved children. Take your chance, those of you who have not yet confessed Him. Say YES to My Son, and eternal life will be given to you at the side of My Son, your Savior. Thank you, My child, for writing this so wonderful and important message.
Jesus: Spread it quickly, My beloved daughter, so that as many souls as possible may survive the warning. I love you and I love all My children. Especially the sinners among you who now find Me, I enclose in My holy arms so that you may feel the light within you and feel in your hearts the love that is My love for you. Thank you, My children.
Your ever-loving Jesus with My Holy Mother, your Mother in Heaven, to whom I entrusted the mission of proclaiming My Holy Promise to you through My beloved daughter, Mary for the Divine Preparation of Hearts. Amen.
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