Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The Antichrist will now enter the world stage.
- Message No. 61 -

My beloved daughter. As already predicted, the Antichrist will now soon enter the world stage, pretending to be Me. Be warned, My beloved followers, because, together with the false prophet, they will try to capture your souls! I will come only at the end of times with all the signs in the sky that I have already told you.
Believe in Me, My beloved children. I love you so much.
Many of you are now suffering more than before for Me, because I allow this suffering in order not to let you go astray. It is not a physically impairing suffering, but a suffering of heart and soul, so that you may feel the truth, My truth. Only in this way can you remain faithful to Me. Only in this way will you experience how I suffered on the cross for all My children. You, My daughter, have been experiencing this suffering intensely since last night. Do not be afraid, My beloved children, because it is a suffering that makes you even stronger, that makes you walk the true path to Me, your Jesus.I love you very much, My beloved children.
The days of My Second Coming are numbered. Look forward to that day when I descend from heaven to you. I will NOT dwell among you. I will come in the sky and fight for you!
Only the Antichrist and the false prophet will make you believe that I, Jesus Christ, have come here, with you on earth, to help you, to redeem you. You must not believe that, because it will be the Antichrist himself who will pretend to be Me, your beloved Jesus. It will not be Me who dwells among you! Nor will I perform mass miracles before your eyes; all this will be done by the Antichrist, for he has been given this power by Satan. *
Never lose sight of the prophecies. Everything, as it is happening now, is written down there. Don't trust the "calm before the storm". The false prophet will "lull" you. The two who seem to bring about so much good in your world are the ones who will deceive you in the end. Be warned. I, your Jesus, am always with you who have given Me your YES, but not like a man who lives among you, as the Antichrist would have you believe. So be warned.
The world stage is now open to Satan, who sends you his false prophet and his antichrist to spread even more confusion among the children of God and to capture as many souls as possible with the help of these soul catchers. So beware and remain faithful to Me, your Jesus, so that I can take you to My Kingdom on the great day of joy!
I love you very much. Your Jesus * Our Lady: My beloved children. The miracle of Garabandal will happen as foretold. I want to tell you this so that there is no confusion about it. This will be a miracle of Heaven.
Source: ➥