Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Wednesday, October 14, 2020: (St. Callistus I, pope)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to have great respect for My Blessed Sacrament that you receive at every Mass in Holy Communion. I am truly Present in every Host that you receive. Give honor and respect when you bow or kneel to receive Me on the tongue. With this corona virus many of you are having to receive Me in your hand, but I know in your heart that you would desire to receive Me on the tongue. Whenever I am in a tabernacle, you can genuflect or bow to My Real Presence. Consecrate all of your actions to Me in the morning for all you will do for Me each day. My angels guard you from the evil demons, even though you are tempted by them every day. You have Me in the priest when you come to Confession to cleanse your souls of any sin. You need to be in the state of holiness in your soul without any mortal sin so you can worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. If you do commit a mortal sin, you should come to Confession as quickly as possible. You want to keep your soul clean as much as possible, so you are prepared to meet Me at your judgment, should you die this day. I want you to be close to Me in all that you do, and especially in your daily prayers. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross for all of your sins. I call you to love Me and love your neighbor at all times.”
Jesus said: “My people, your country is at a crossroads because today’s Democratic party has moved so much to the left, that they are threatening a takeover of your government. You can choose to re-elect your President for all the good he has done for your country. Trump is working to bring back your jobs, and he does not want any more shutdowns. The Democrats support abortion and they even support the communist Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs. If your President wins, these radicals are planning a revolution or an insurrection to take over your country. The Democrats will put in a socialist communist government if they win. If you want a true, free, Democratic Republic that will protect your rights, then you need to choose your President for re-election. Trust in My protection from the evil ones when you come to My refuges.”
Source: ➥