Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Tuesday, October 13, 2020:

Jesus said: “My people, the readings are meant to save people from falling into hell by following My Commandments to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. I told the Pharisees to cleanse the inside soul from sin as well as cleaning the outside of their body. People need to practice what they preach, and do not be hypocrites. The Pharisees taught the law, but they did not always do so in their actions. This is why I told them to give alms to the poor, and they would be clean on the inside as well as the outside. You need to love one another in helping people, and this will show Me that your love for Me is sincere. You are asked to give donations to My Church in your Sunday collection, the poor, and your Bishop’s CMA for your diocese. Even now, your food shelves need donations to help feed those people who lost their jobs, and the homeless. Whenever you help someone, I, who sees things in secret, will reward you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the opposition party has put down their communist riots so they look better before the election. They support the communist mobs, but the mobs are quiet now. You have seen the plans of the communist mobs after the election. If your President wins, the mobs will use military weapons as machine guns and rocket propelled grenades that were given to them by a billionaire liberal, and even possibly Chinese weapons. Their plans are to destroy your electric stations to stop your electricity, and they will shoot to kill patriots. Their goal is a civil war when your President will need to call up the National Guard and your patriots to defeat an open revolution trying to take over your government. These mobs will try to prevent a final vote that would determine your President. You will have many illegal ballots flood your voting places to try and steal this election. If the chaos endangers your lives, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. There will be attempts by the deep state to spread a new virus and the seasonal flu to try and stop this election. If people start dying in the streets, this will be another sign to come to My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, and if I call you, you need to leave your homes in less than twenty minutes for My refuges. My angels will guide you with an invisible shield to My refuges. At My refuges you will be healed of any disease. I will send My Warning to save souls before your lives are in danger.”

Source: ➥