Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
(St. Bridget)

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages about how I send out the same number of callings for the priesthood, but fewer are saying ‘yes’ to My call, as you can see in very few seminarians. In a similar way I send out a call for messengers and prophets for every age, but even fewer are accepting this role as well. In the readings both in the New and Old Testaments, messengers and prophets were threatened with their lives because the people did not want to hear their message of repenting of sin, and changing their sinful lifestyles. Even today, many souls have become spiritually lazy in avoiding their prayer lives, and even not attending Sunday Mass. I thank you for accepting My call. My mission for you has been trying with the many things that I have asked you to do. Still you have been faithful to My tasks, and I need you to continue your work to help souls come closer to Me and keep away from the evil ones. Continue to promote good prayer lives, Adoration, and frequent Confession. Without these basic necessities in My faithful’s spiritual lives, their love for Me will grow cold, and they will be more vulnerable to the temptations of the devil. Saving souls from hell and directing them to Me in heaven should be everyone’s mission, but it is even more demanding of My messengers and prophets. Keep close to Me in your daily prayer life, your Masses, Adoration, and bringing My messages to My people.”
Source: ➥