Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
(St. Mary Magdalene)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Mary Magdalene, because of her great love for Me, was graced with being the first person to see Me in My risen Body. I told her to give this news to My apostles, but they would not believe her. In her heart she knew the reality of My appearance to her and she treasured that gift, even if others would not believe her. St. Mary Magdalene had seven demons that I cast out of her, which in part was why My apostles did not want to trust her word. My later appearances made believers of My apostles, even out of St. Thomas who also doubted this word of My appearance. You have come to Me many times in Confession to have your sins forgiven, so do not be critical of other sinners who may still be in their progress of being converted. Love everyone and be a good example in your life to bring sinners to Me. Strive to save souls, but let Me be the judge of people’s sins.”
Jesus said: “My son, I want to thank you for moving quickly to have this latest DVD on Adoration made. Continue praying your novena to St. Therese so your prayers will guard you from any more attacks of the evil one. You saw the first attack on your interview with Father Peter. You will see more attacks, but your continued novena will keep them to a minimum. The devil is doing everything in his power to eliminate Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament because he knows the power of My graces against him. Continue to finish up your work on this DVD so you can get it out quickly to your publisher. Sharing your messages on Adoration, and encouraging the people to start Holy Hours of Adoration are your best witness to the people how they can share their love with Me, just as you do. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you in all of these efforts to share My love with all the people who want to be close to Me.”
Source: ➥