Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 5, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady on April 30, 2024 - Saturday of the Solitude of Our Lady of Sorrows
Convert Yourselves and Change Your Lives so That the Transformation of My Flame of Love Truly Takes Place in Your Souls and Hearts

(Most Holy Mary): "My children, once again I come to give My message through the mouth of My servant:
I am the Mother of Sorrow and Loneliness.
Just as I was alone on Holy Saturday, without My son Jesus, today I am still the Mother of Solitude, the Mother who is always alone.
Alone, in the Hour of Peace, when so many abandon Me to watch television programs, go for walks and entertain themselves with other people, instead of honoring Me and giving Me the hour I have set aside for myself.
Alone, in the Rosary which is no longer prayed by families and which has been replaced by pleasures, thus diminishing the power of prayer for the salvation of souls, giving Satan more freedom to tempt them, seduce them and lead them to sin, to perdition.
Alone, on nights when there are no more good souls praying and interceding for humanity as it sinks deeper and deeper into the mire of sin and Satan uses all his power to destroy the world.
Alone, on the Saturdays that I asked you to consecrate to Me in prayer and you spend them only in pleasure and entertainment.
Alone, alone on Sundays, which I asked you to consecrate to prayer for peace and the conversion of sinners. And you spend it only on pleasures and entertainment, thus diminishing the power of intercession for the world and leaving the ground free for Satan to attack and do whatever he wants to destroy humanity and lead it all to perdition.
Alone, abandoned by children who no longer pray.
Alone, abandoned by young people who only think about fun, pleasure, indecent dating and addictions.
Alone, abandoned by families who have simply abolished the Rosary and introduced only greed for money, pleasure, indecent and pagan television programs. And all sorts of things that take away from prayer, consume prayer time and make hearts ever more cold, arid, dull and hard deserts, where My maternal grace and God's blessing can no longer descend.
Alone, abandoned by this humanity which, month after month, year after year, day after day, has moved further away from Me, from prayer and has despised all My continual calls to prayer and conversion.
Alone, in so many places where I have appeared, cried and manifested myself and where today there is no one praying anymore, no one, no one around Me being a mystical rose of love, an incessant Flame of Love.
Alone, abandoned by this humanity that has become pagan, atheist and which today continually despises My calls to conversion and to return to God.
Alone, abandoned by Christian Catholics for the Church that despises, continually denies My Apparitions, Tears and manifestations to save My children, thus frustrating all My maternal efforts to touch, move and convert the hearts of My children.
Alone, abandoned by humanity, which has definitely made up its mind and set itself against the Lord and against Me.
Alone, alone, accompanied only by My Angels from Heaven, consoled by a few chosen souls on earth like that of My little son Marcos, who still consoled My Heart again today. Because in the morning, I was once again in the Mariel Store, contemplating all the films of My Apparitions, all the Rosaries and Hours of Prayer that he had made for Me. And I was especially touched by Tears No. 2 and No. 3, La Salette No. 2 and La Salette No. 4, which removed so many swords of pain from My Heart.
Yes, little son, you have consoled My Maternal Heart once again, so cheer up! Be encouraged to continue doing these works of love for Me and through Me, don't give up.
Think of the tears you have wiped away and the swords of pain you have removed from My Heart and for Me, for Me, get up, take your broken wings and fly. Keep flying, flying for Me!
Keep going for Me.
Keep wielding your sword and fighting the good fight.
I in heaven will reward you and give you a very special knowledge of My privileges, of My person and of the immense love I have for you.
Onwards, little son, works of love, continue to be a soul of works of love, which are the souls that I love the most. Love! Love! Love!
Continue always being Marcos, always love.
Keep praying My Rosary every day.
Convert yourselves and change your lives so that the transformation of My Flame of Love truly takes place in your souls and hearts and the new world of peace and love is born from your yes and your hearts.
Reread the messages I gave in May 1996, I want you to grow in love, to seek love, to open your hearts to My Flame of Love.
Pray the meditated Rosary no. 46 three times for the peace of the world, because soon a great conflict will take place if there are no prayers of the meditated Rosary to stop it.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, Pontmain, La Codosera and Jacareí."
(Most Holy Mary): As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive, bringing with Me the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again to be happy and I leave you My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes