Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, May 7, 1996
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today, with great LOVE, I, Mary, Mother of Jesus, come from Heaven as RAIN OF PEACE, say to My Brazil: - PEACE! I will make Brazil, the land of DIVINE and Holy Peace!
Here, in this Brazilian soil, where My Son Jesus commanded Me to come and bring My Messages many times, here, dear children, My Immaculate Heart will shed His Light, and His complacencies.
I am the Mother of you all! Every month, children, you come here to listen to My Message; but there are still many who return without putting into practice the Message they heard. Today, this is what I want to ask of you: - Live the Messages that I give you here!
While these Messages, My children, come to earth, today as many as drops of rain, (pause) live these Messages! The signs of Tears that I give you, in so many places, are for you to convert, and believe.
Time will come when sinners, feeling that the door of Justice is opened, and no one will be able to close it, will knock their heads off, will want to pull out their hair, will curse their life led without GOD, lived in sin,(pause) will want, but will no longer obtain. will cry, but will hear nothing more (pause). will weep, but nothing more (pause) will come forward.
O children, convert now! I don't joke when I say that I want you to be converted, and my "conversion" is not to abandon one or the other of your vices and defects: - you must abandon all of them!
I am your Mother, I know what even your heart does not know, and I know that you have many sins. but I, children, cannot help but think for a moment about My dear children, and that is why I come from Heaven, with open arms, so that no son may be afraid to approach Me. and here, children, in this White Veil of Peace, Immaculate and Pure, is that I want to keep each one of you.
I decided to appear here, with my Heart leaping on my chest, to say, children, that my LOVE is so great. that my Heart is so great, for you, that I can no longer keep this Flame of LOVE inside of Me. come violently looking for you! Don't deny receiving My Flame of LOVE!
I want to place this Flame of LOVE in each of your families. May each family be a prayer group! For the families who pray My Rosary every day at eight o'clock at night as I asked, in the Hour of Peace, I promise that this family will live forever under My Cloak, My Arms, in Heaven.
Pray, children, pray as much as you can the Rosary! Just as there are many prayers, Hail Marys and Rosary beads, so there will be so many My trials of Love and Affection that I will have to give them.
Pray the Rosary! The world, My children, will be saved (pause) by the Rosary!
I have not grown tired of appearing, during all these years, here, to say this: - DO NOT FORGET MY ROSARY!
Many wonder why I repeat the same things? It is because you, My children, are like weak children, who forget(pause) that you have a Mother, and I cannot leave you alone; it is because you are really so small yet, that you cannot be alone! That's why the Mother in heaven is still here, begging, pleading, begging.
To all I ask: do not be ashamed, children, of My Messages, but communicate them to everyone you meet!
O my children, I have a Crown of Stars on my Head, but the crown that I most want to have is that of children, to live my Messages, to fulfill what I want, building my Triumph on earth.
Thus the Crown of Thorns will come out of My Heart, and the crown of your love will come to be, beside My Heart, the most beautiful thing that the CREATOR can contemplate.
I bless you all, in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- O my beloved ones! I AM JESUS, the DIVINE Mercy, and I am here today, with my MOTHER, to say: LOVE YOU!(pause) LOVE YOU!(pause)
O dear children, I AM KING! I AM, of Mercy, the KING!
I and My MOTHER, in these times, as in a strong breath of the Holy Spirit, WE are connecting all hearts, where we are welcomed in the whole world, and I already tell you that now, the hour of the Triumph of OUR United Hearts, is enough!
O My children, who carry such heavy crosses for My LOVE! Do not be discouraged, do not be weary, do not be sad, do not be discouraged! I am accompanying you, on the path of Calvary (pause) that each one lives.
Just as, on the way to Calvary, the Heavenly FATHER was welcoming my SACRIFICE, present in ME, because I and the FATHER were ONE, and just as my MOTHER was beside me, giving me strength, showing me His LOVE, giving me His Tears, proof of the greatest adoration I had for ME, so my MOTHER is also beside the cross, that each one of you carries. and my FATHER welcomes your sufferings and sacrifices, for the conversion of this sinful world.
O children, in My Gospel, I said, just before I left: - WHEN THE SON OF MAN RETURNS, WILL HE STILL FIND FAITH ON EARTH?
O children, I and My MOTHER are here, bringing these Messages, so that apostasy will not become general.
The lack of faith, O children, devours souls, like the most impeded disease, and only I can cure you.
Faith (pause) is not only what your lips talk about, but Faith (pause) is what springs from your heart.
If you now look into your hearts and see that there is nothing there but ashes, mud and vices, know, children, that what you say is not sincere.
I will judge souls, when I return, not so much for what they said, but for what they lived.
Everyone who loves Me keeps My commandments; keep them not only in words, but keep them with your heart.
I myself will make your hearts the tablets of the LAW, where I will record all My Commandments!
I, through Baptism, that My Church has the Mission to continue in the world in My NAME, so that all may be saved. Through My Priests, through Baptism, I have placed in you the seed of My Commandments, and of My Holy Spirit.
If when I return, My Holy Spirit will show Me in YOUR LIGHT that in your heart there are stains, you children cannot be led by Me to the FATHER.
Ask my MOTHER, that in each Rosary, HE will come with His Immaculate Hand, to remove the stains that are in your hearts, so that again, you will have the purity and holiness from when you came out of the waters of baptism.
Let that Spirit who flooded you, My Holy Spirit (pause) of LOVE, act and be in you.
I also want to say, that many here despise Me in the Eucharist! Communicate with Me, as if I were (pause) something! Communicate Me, with a heart full of poison, of your falsehood, of your vices, of your carnal pleasures.
Many times, when I am in communion, I am immersed in an ocean of poison which, like a terrible gall, comes to make My Heart bitter.
O children, let My Holy Spirit extort this poison out, so that in your heart there may be only the Water and the Blood, of My Mercy.
My gaze rests upon all the earth. Many are those who stand against Me, but at the right moment, I and My MOTHER will put them on Our footstool. We will crush the serpent, and those who have served as prey, for the devil to seduce other souls, those who have worshipped the serpent, her prey in the world, will all be crushed and crushed once and for all.
I will strike the enemy at his point of pride, and cause him to fall, into a tumble from which he will never rise again (pause).
My FATHER wishes it, and I with my MOTHER, we wish it in FATHER, too.
The world will revive! My Church will be candid as My MOTHER! All who look at the Church will be amazed at its purity, identical to the purity of My MOTHER! It will be the same purity, it will be the same holiness, it will be the same Church, Mother and Immaculate, as My MOTHER.
I tell you: My Priests will have fire in their hearts, fire of My LOVE! Your lips will be like Mine! Your words will penetrate to the most intimate of hearts, because in the Triumph of My MOTHER, and in My Triumph, My beloved children, consecrated to ME and to My MOTHER, they will have OUR own WISDOM, SCIENCE and STRENGTH, and they will have OUR AWARENESS.
Yet I tell you: the son of rebellion is coming! He will show himself to you as the seducer. He will promise you many cures, but it is not I who will be doing this, because Satan will try to deceive you, much more than by turning stones into bread!
As I told him: - Man does not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that comes out of GOD's mouth. You too must believe this My WORD, and you must announce it, and you will not fall into the trap of the antichrist, who comes (pause) by the darkness.
Do not yield! My MOTHER will show everyone who he is, so that you will not be one of those who will be deceived.
Pray, O children, that much more than the elect, you may be of those who have washed their clothes in the Lamb's BLOOD, and washed their lives, sanctified themselves, and saved themselves! (That) you may be of those, as I said in the Apocalypse by My Prophet: - "that come out of the great tribulation, and they will sing praises to the FATHER, to the Son, and to GOD the Holy Spirit, for all ETERNITY of the endless centuries, in Heaven".
I want you to be these elect, who will overcome the whole trial; for this, I let my MOTHER and my SACRED HEART come to earth in these times. Hear these Hearts!
Stronger than thunder, and brighter and more intense than lightning, so (pause) is the LOVE we have for you!
Much more than the intensity of lightning, much more intense are the Graces of LOVE that My MOTHER begs of you, and pours out on you.
WE TWO, MY MOTHER and I, ARE (pause) the LOVE. Who wants to know what is the LOVE, knows WHO are OUR HEARTS, and will know (pause) what is the LOVE.
And now, I repeat again, in these last years about the Triumph that will come: - Finally, OUR Hearts, (paused) Raised, (exalted, glorified) Will Reign!
I bless you all, my whole Church, all the little ones who trust in me, and all those upon whom my MOTHER has placed her Heart, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.
The Alpha and the Omega, (pause) the beginning and the end, (pause) from the beginning has loved you, and without end, My LOVE will love you.
Stay in Peace!"