Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, June 16, 2023
Apparition and Message of God The Father and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on June 8, 2023 - Anticipated Feast of the 42nd Anniversary of the Medjugorje Apparitions
I Desire Total Surrender to Me, I Desire Total Intimacy with Me

(God the Father): "My beloved children, today, I your Father come with My Princess Mary to say to all of you: Great is My Fatherly love for all of you My children.
Yes, this love that increases more each day and never ends. This love that makes Me send the Mother of My Son, the Virgin Mary, here and also in Medjugorje to call everyone, all of you back into My paternal arms.
Great is My Fatherly Love, so I have been sending Mary the Mother of My Son, My Divine Princess in Medjugorje for 42 years to call all of you back to Me.
Yes, I call you to come back and I will forgive all, I will forget all, I will forget all the offenses done to Me. I will forget all the time you have spent without Me in your life. I will forget all the times you have profaned My name, My day, profaned My laws, disobeyed My laws of love, turned your back on Me.
If you truly return to Me, I will transform the lives of each of you into a little Heaven already on Earth.
I will give you all My Fatherly Love.
I will give you all My Spirit, My Holy Spirit, and He will fill your souls with love, with peace, with grace. And then, My enemy will no longer dwell in you, will no longer dwell in your cities, in your souls. But, I will dwell in them, I will dwell with Mary, I will dwell with My son Jesus, I will dwell with My Holy Spirit, and I will do in the cities of your souls My wonders of love.
Great is My Fatherly Love, so I have sent Mary, the Mother of My Son to Medjugorje and also here, to show to all mankind My loving face full of mercy.
Yes, the 42 years of the presence of the apparitions of the Mother of My Son in Medjugorje and the 32 years of Her apparitions here, are the great proof and the definitive sign of how much I love each one of you. How much I desire each one of you, how much I want to unite with the souls of each one of you until we are one in love, in mystical love, in true love, in love in pure transformation.
Come to Me without fear, for it is not fear, nor shame, nor timidity that I desire, but love and trust. I desire total surrender to Me, I desire total intimacy with Me.
For this to happen, I need to penetrate your hearts, and you need to penetrate My Father Heart. This can only happen in prayer with a deep and living heart, in the deep and total surrender of yourselves in My arms, letting yourselves be loved, healed, liberated, loved by Me. Only in this way, only then will we be one in love.
Mankind does not understand My love, mankind does not understand My call to love, because mankind has moved away from Me, has taken Me out of his thoughts and put in the place vices, pleasures and earthly goods.
Because of this, everyone has lost peace, everyone has lost the meaning of life, the reason for living, and lives more and more unsatisfied because the things of this world cannot satisfy and fill a heart that I created to love Me only and only in Me to find true joy and peace.
So come to Me through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is the way I sent My Son to earth. Come to Me through Her, and I will receive you, love you, forgive you, and give you My Peace.
You have nothing to lose, experience My Love, and see if I will not completely quench your souls' thirst and hunger for love.
Marcos, My most beloved son, how I love you and thank you for making known to the whole world the Apparitions of the Mother of My Son in all the places where I have sent her, but especially in Medjugorje.
Yes, thanks to you My children have understood not only Her love, affection, tenderness and mercy. But also, My love, My tenderness, My mercy. They understood that I am a Father of Love who loves His children, who suffers for each child who is far from Me, and that I only use punishment when the children themselves force Me to, when they become hardened in their sins and no longer want to bend.
You have made everyone understand how great is My love and affection as a Father, how much I am a sweet Father who wants the salvation of His children at all costs. So, My ray of light, yes, you are also My ray of light, not only Mary's.
Thanks to you My ray of light, the light of My love shines on the whole earth and that is why I love you and bless you abundantly now. Continue My child showing all humanity the glory of the Mother of My Son, for in Her glory My children will see Mine, for it was I who created Her and who prepared Her for all humanity.
In her love they will see Mine, in her gentleness they will feel My gentleness, in her peaceful look and smile they will feel and understand My peace.
Then, My Paternal Heart will triumph over the whole world with the Heart of My Son Jesus and that of Mary. And then, truly the world will be transformed into what I Myself envisioned and created in the beginning: the Kingdom of My Love, the Paradise of My Love where happiness will reign forever ad Eternun.
Forward, My son, do not be silent, do not hide your light under the table or the bed, but make the whole world see the light of the flame of love that I have placed in you and that must shine more and more.
Yes, in all these years announcing My word, the word of the Mother of My Son to all the nations you have made My light shine to all the peoples, to all races and languages.
And this is why, My triumph has already begun, Satan is now making many devastations, but when I want, I will stop him once and for all. And this moment is coming. As soon as the number of the elect, of the converted, is complete My Justice will be manifested and will cleanse the world.
Come back to Me while I still have the door open calling, for soon it will close, and then I will no longer open it to anyone calling on Me from the outside.
My little son Marcos, yes, I dwell with you in Mary as in My resting place, as in My garden of delights. Let us remain united together, you and I, you and the Mother of My Son, you and My Son Jesus, you and My Spirit, Us!
Onward, there are many souls yet to be saved, so go ahead and show everyone My power manifested in your body in the miracle of the candle flame* that didn't burn your hand almost 30 years ago.
Yes, in that great miracle not only the Mother of My Son showed all her power to the world, but also Me, by making your body exempt, immune from the natural laws. And so the truth of our manifestations here was confirmed and proven forever.
Those who believe in that sign will have My grace; those who do not believe will be blotted out of the book of life.
Those who by looking at that sign recognize the truth and confess it will have My Mercy. Those who deny it will have My Justice.
I, lovingly bless you and all these beloved children of Mine now: of Medjugorje, of Lourdes and of Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "I am the Queen of Peace! From Heaven I came and in Medjugorje I presented myself as the Lady of Peace and here also as the Messenger of Peace to call the whole world to Peace.
Peace! Peace! Peace! Only Peace.
Men must be reconciled with God and also among themselves, so that Peace may reign. Satan wants War and to lead all mankind to physical and eternal death. That is why I came as a Messenger of Peace to call all mankind to Peace.
And the 42 years of My Apparitions in Medjugorje are the great sign of My love for all My children.
My sign was manifested in Medjugorje where My glory shone as never before in humanity. And that is why I have prolonged My Apparitions there for so many tens of years, giving so many and so many Messages to convince the world: of My love, of My tenderness, of My maternal mercy. And of the necessity: of prayer, of conversion, of turning to God, the only way to Peace.
My sign was manifested in Medjugorje, so I appeared there in a new, extraordinary, daily, continuous and very powerful way, to show the whole world that this time I came decided not just to appear once, twice or six times. But decided to accompany My children day after day in the fight against Satan, against temptations, against the world, against each one's corrupted self. To lead My children in the midst of this difficult time of the great tribulation until the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
My sign is also manifested here, where I also appear in a new, extraordinary, continuous, daily and very intense way with all of Heaven. So that, like a new Moses, I can lead My children through the desert of this world: without faith, without love for God, without peace, towards the Promised Land, the New Heaven and the New Earth, the new Age of Love that is already coming.
Yes, My sign has manifested itself here to finish what I began at La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, Paris and Medjugorje. And thus lead all My children to the great victory of My Heart, which is already about to be decreed by the Eternal Father in His arcane designs of love.
My little son Marcos, you have announced to the whole world My glory manifested in Medjugorje. You have shown to My children all over the world the radiance of My maternal sign, which was manifested in Medjugorje, the sign of the Woman clothed with the Sun.
And you showed all My children that there I truly am alive and present in spite of all those who deny the reality, the truth of My presence of My Apparitions in Medjugorje.
Yes, you have shown everyone that it is I who through those 6 young people of crystalline and pure heart I have announced to the whole world My messages of love, I have converted millions of children throughout the world and I have accomplished the greatest miracle of love of My Immaculate Heart.
Yes, you have shown to My children all over the world, in spite of all those who deny that the origin of the conversions and graces accomplished in Medjugorje comes from Me.
You have shown that it is Me alive there saving, loving My children. And because of this, you have taken away so many swords of pain carved into My Heart by the atheists, the unbelievers, the disobedient, also by so many members of the Church and you have given an unheard of consolation to My Immaculate Heart.
For all this, My little child, I also pour upon you now a great grace. I give you:. (Our Lady speaks in private to the seer Marcos Thaddeus).
This you must not tell anyone, only your father Carlos Tadeu and someone you trust completely. It is a treat, it is a gift for you, who are My brave medjugorjan warrior. Who announces to all My children without fear of anyone the truth of My Messages and the wonders of love that I perform in Medjugorje and in all the places of My apparitions throughout the world.
Yes, today also, the Eternal Father and I give you the grace to obtain 3 blessings for 3 people of your choice.
And you have offered for your Father Carlos Thaddeus, for those who are here today, the merits of the films that you of My Apparitions in Medjugorje, of the meditated Rosaries, especially the one you made days ago, Rosary No. 359.
Very well, I pour upon your Father Carlos Thaddeus 42 million blessings, and upon My children who are here I now pour 678 thousand blessings, which they will receive again on June 25, the Anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje for 5 years. In this way, I convert the merits of your good works into graces, I satisfy your Flame of Love that always more desires to benefit everyone. And so, I can pour upon the whole world, this sick world, full of addictions, lack of prayer, sins and evils the graces of love from My Heart to heal it.
And you who are far from prayer, who don't pray with your heart, who don't concentrate, who don't pray in intimacy, return to prayer before the coming of My son surprises your souls transformed in the desert you are in.
Keep praying My Rosary every day and come back here on the Feast of My Apparitions at La Salette, to console My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus.
I bless you all: from Medjugorje, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(God the Father): "As the Mother of My Son always says: Wherever one of these holy objects comes, there She will be alive doing the greatest wonders of Her love and also of My Love.
I now touch with the hem of My cloak these images of the Mother of My Son Jesus and give them My blessing. Also, these images of My Crucified Son, which move My Heart so much, because they remind Me of the moment when He was dying on the Cross, and I felt the greatest pain a Father could feel: that of seeing His Son dying at the hands of sinful criminals to save themselves, so ungrateful were they.
Yes, I bless again each one of you and especially you My son Marcos, with the sacrifice of your headache this week you have saved 187,028 (One hundred and eighty seven thousand and twenty eight) souls.
Continue My son, offering this sacrifice for the salvation of unworthy and ungrateful sinners. If you agree, I will shorten the days, but increase the intensity of the pain to compensate. So that, more and more souls continue to be saved. But not to the point of impeding your work and chores.
I, thus having satisfied My love, will also have satisfied My justice, which demands that I punish ungrateful sinners. You will suffer in their place what they should suffer, and by shortening your life, you will obtain for them the grace to live for eternal life.
I love you more than all the nations on earth, and I will never exchange you for anything, and I will never leave you.
Yes, My son Carlos Thaddeus, rejoice for the son I have given you, because truly I have given you a son who has done for Me, for the Mother of My Son and for souls something great, great that no one has ever thought of or wanted to do.
Yes, all that he did for the Mother of My Son and for Me gives Me glory day after day more and more, and the more the souls watch the movies, pray the Rosaries and Rosaries made by him. And so, they grow, they increase in love, for Me and for the Mother of My Son, more and more his merits grow and more and more I love him more and more. I give him My benevolence.
Rejoice that I have given you the best of the best of children. Whenever I feel sad about the sins of the world, I look at him, I look at the love with which he fights for Me, fights for the Mother of My Son, fights for My Son Jesus, fights to set up My kingdom of love on earth, and immediately I feel joyful, happy and content again.
When I look at the statue he made for you My heart rejoices, to see that at least one, at least one human being on earth truly loves not only the earthly father given to him by Me. But, he also loves Me with all the strength of his heart and puts us at primo rank first in his heart.
I bless you My son Marcos and now with the Mother of My Son, Mary, I descend into your heart, where I dwell with Her as in My garden of rest and leave you all peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lady at Medjugorje