Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on June 4, 2023
Only through the Rosary Will the World Be Saved from Atheism

(Mary Most Holy): "My beloved son Marcos, today, once again I come from Heaven to tell you: I am the Lady of the Rosary! Only through the prayer of the Rosary can the world be saved from the evils that now beset it.
Only through the Rosary will the world be saved from atheism.
Only through the Rosary will it be saved from communism.
Only by means of the Rosary can it be saved from the evil work of Satan, which now wreaks so much havoc and destruction upon the whole earth.
Many years ago I went down to Lourdes, to Fatima and to many other places to ask for the Rosary to stop evil. But humanity kept going down the path of prayerlessness, of disobedience to My messages, of rebellion against the law of the Lord. This is why Satan advanced and has now conquered with his nefarious power the whole earth.
Nowhere reigns peace, faith and love for God anymore. The whole world is poisoned by Satan's fatal poison, which every day causes more and more souls to die.
To stop all this evil it is necessary to spread even more the prayer of the Holy Rosary meditated by you My son. Therefore, you must even more spread these Rosaries and make many more new ones for My children to pray the Rosary.
Only when they become convinced that only the Rosary can save the world, then the world will be saved by a miracle of love from My Immaculate Heart.
You have never been a coward, continue My son to be brave and speak to the whole world to all nations My messages without fear. For as I have always been with you, so will I continue to be with you.
All those who say otherwise have a part with the enemy and do not come from Me, do not be deceived. Your mission as I told you from the beginning is to take My messages to My children all over the world.
That is why I gave you the miracle of the rose bush in your house. So that you would be convinced once and for all that you should not stay hidden, concealed in silence. But rather, speak, speak to all My children so that they could finally know and love Me, and so that My Immaculate Heart will triumph in all of them.
So speak, speak always and never stop speaking My messages to the whole world. That is your task and your mission until your death for your entire life. Do not be afraid of anything or anyone, courageously announce My messages so that a great number of souls will continue to be saved.
This week you saved 84,728 (Eighty-four thousand, seven hundred and twenty-eight) souls with the sacrifice of your headache. Keep offering for the salvation of so many souls who without this sacrifice will be lost, because being in sin they have no merits, their works are dead. And, therefore, they are unable to obtain for themselves the grace of conversion and salvation. Only, by these their sacrifices can and will they be saved.
Yes, My little child, My little crucified child, My victim of love. Keep offering yourself for the salvation of so many souls. I am with you and I will never leave you.
Just as I stood beside My son Jesus on the cross to help Him suffer, to sacrifice and offer Himself, I will stand beside you to help you sacrifice and offer yourself to the Father for the salvation of mankind.
My son, keep spreading the word about the great miracle of the candle* that did not burn your hand, as I did for My little daughter, Saint Bernadette. This miracle, even after so many years, will pull them out of the darkness of ignorance, of sin, of blindness caused by so many vices and sins they have.
This miracle will pull many souls, many of My children out of darkness and bring all these children to Me, to the light.
You must continue to propagate it without fear so that the whole world will finally know the great power of the Woman clothed with the Sun who appeared here all clothed in the light and glory of the Almighty to bring salvation, grace and peace to all the children of the whole world.
Yes, you must also continue to propagate the signs of light that I have made appear in your chest, in your heart, over you over the years. Because in these signs My children will see the greatness of My power, of My love that chose you, that elected you, that wanted you. And at the same time they will see all the potency of the flame of love that exists in your heart.
And all those who unite with you and assimilate themselves to you will also receive the transmission of this flame of love and will grow in it, so that I can then realize in My children the great wonders of My love and of My Heart. In addition, you must follow up all that I commanded you in the subsequent apparitions of the month of May. You must still perform many works for My love.
I know that the sacrifice of your headache leaves you exhausted, tired and without strength to accomplish the tasks I command you. But I also know that your heroic love, that your love that comes from the flame of love that is in you, will lead you to give yourself more and more to Me, as you have always done. And I know that you will do everything and accomplish everything for My love.
I thank you for all that you have done for Me, the meditated rosaries, especially the last ones you have made have been very pleasing to My Heart and have brought light to so many of My children who are in darkness.
The films you have made of My apparitions draw more swords of pain from My Heart every day.
Those who despise these films and these meditated Rosaries, carve swords of pain into My Heart.
Those who do not value these Cenacles made by you, and do other things, go to other places during the time of the Cenacle, drive a sword of pain into My Heart. You should not care about these people, they are blinded by their sins, their vanities, and their own self.
Those who talk while you are here praying and doing the Cenacle are blinded by their ignorance, their sins and by Satan. Don't mind them, go ahead and do everything I have told you to do, looking neither to the right nor to the left, looking only at Me and at your mission.
Let the others wither by themselves, you continue to be My lush rose, dewy with love, fervor, and exhaling to Me the sweetest, softest, most pleasant perfume of true love.
Let the ice blocks regenerate and harden in themselves, you remain My burning flame of love. Let those who don't want to approach you or pay attention to what you speak or say here during the cenacle.
Those who go to other places to do other things while you are doing the Cenacle here, let them cool down and become ice blocks hardening in themselves. You continue to be My unceasing flame of love.
Thank you, for never having exchanged obedience to Me and the spreading of My Messages to the world for human approvals and also for human favors. Thank you, for having been courageous and for having remained faithful to Me until today, until the end.
Thank you, for not having given in to the blackmail of human beings who wanted to silence your voice and make you give up announcing My Messages to the world in exchange for human approvals, in exchange for human permissions.
You have given proof that you are My true servant, My true obedient and courageous son, and I am very proud of you.
I bless you and all My children: of Lourdes, of Pontmain and of Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these religious objects arrives there I will be alive, taking with Me the great graces of the Lord and My Maternal Love.
Once again I repeat to you My little son Marcos: Keep spreading the miracle of the candle flame* that did not burn your hand as I did with My little daughter Saint Bernadette.
This miracle shows all My power in My apparitions in Lourdes and also here. And it also confirms and shows to all humanity that My little daughter St. Bernadette, and you too, are part of the number of the rarest human beings that have ever existed on humanity in whom I have performed the greatest wonders and miracles of My Immaculate Heart. They are the most chosen souls of the Lord.
And this, must for all My children serve as a definitive sign of the truth of My Apparitions in Lourdes and also here. Everyone who unites himself to you and assimilates himself to you will receive the great efficacious graces of My flame of love placed in his soul with such great power and intensity.
Yes, you are one of the rarest human beings who have ever existed on earth, where I have performed the most resounding wonders and miracles of My motherly love.
To you and all My children I bless again with love that you may be happy and I leave My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary