Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
My Face of Love Is Enough, to Be Able to Illuminate Even the Soul That Is Most Full of Darkness and Fill It with the Light of the Grace and Love of God

(Blessed Mary): "My children, today, as you celebrate here the Feast of the Revelation of My Motherly Face to My little son Marcos, I come again to tell you:
My Face is enough, to put to flight all demons and infernal spirits.
My Face of Love is enough to bring down all Satan's evil plans to the ground.
My Face of Love is enough to dispel all the darkness of evil and sin in the world.
My Face of Love is enough, to be able to illuminate even the soul that is most full of darkness and fill it with the light of God's grace and love.
If My children are zealous in beholding My Face of Love and loving it, I will not only enlighten them, but will gradually imprint it through the union of their heart and soul with Me. I will imprint My own features on My children, to reproduce in them: My virtues, My love for God, My unshakable faith, My humility, My unrestricted and unconditional obedience to the Lord's will.
If My children are zealous in contemplating My Face of Love, My flame of love will truly transmit itself from My Heart to their hearts scorching and setting them on fire with love for the Lord.
Pray the Rosary every day, before My Face of Love, and I will truly imprint on you My own maternal features. That is, My virtues, My humility, My love for God, My faith, My docility to the Lord, and I will truly give your hearts, the very sanctity of My Heart.
My Face of Love emanates to all of you the radiation of grace from the Sacred Heart of My son Jesus and from My own flame of love and those who venerate it with love and faith will receive this flame of love of mine, which will give to their hearts the very love of My son Jesus and the love of My Immaculate Heart.
I gave My Face of Love to My little son Marcos, because he was very, very worthy, in fact of this generation the only worthy one. That is why I entrusted him with this maternal treasure of My Heart, to be strength, relief, light and hope for My children in this time of great tribulation.
Also, I gave My little son Marcos the Miracle of the flame of the candle* that did not burn his hand before Me and My son Jesus before My apparition on November 7, 1994. Because he was very worthy of this grace, very worthy of this Miracle and Gift from My Heart.
And through this Miracle I bring down to the ground and annihilate all the darkness of apostasy, all the darkness of lack of faith, of lack of love for God, of rebellion to the Lord and of love and attachment to worldly things, freeing My children from this ugly slavery to Satan, making them free to love My son Jesus with all their strength and to consecrate themselves with love to My Immaculate Heart.
Through this Miracle of the candle flame* that did not burn My son Marcos's hand, I dispel all darkness of apostasy of this time. And I show all My children the true path that they must follow, which is the one I show them here in My Apparitions: that of prayer, conversion, penance, holiness, total love and fidelity to the Lord God.
In this way, I remove all the darkness from the hearts, souls, and families that allow themselves to be enlightened and guided by Me through the resounding light of this Miracle, which I performed first in Lourdes, on My little daughter Bernadette, and then repeated here on My little son Marcos. Here, in My new and second Lourdes, to show all My beloved children the right path that will lead them to Heaven and that they must follow docilely and perseveringly in My maternal footsteps.
Yes, this Miracle of the candle flame* that did not burn the hand of My little son Marcos is the great sign that indicates to you that you are truly in the times of the Woman clothed with the Sun, who came to enlighten the whole world and dispel all the darkness of evil and sin. And it is one of the signs that indicates to you that you are already at the end of time, and that soon My son Jesus will return with power and glory to conquer once and for all all all evil, renew the world, and set up with Me his eternal kingdom of Love that will never end.
Therefore, My children, contemplate this Miracle many and many times and your souls will always be filled with the light of My Immaculate Heart and you will remain at peace even in tribulations and firm in faith following Me faithfully along the path of holiness and salvation.
My little son Marcos, you offered Me today the merits of the film Lourdes 9 that you made for Me with so much love, offered for your father Carlos Tadeu and for My children who are here.
I grant your request and now I convert these merits into graces and pour over your father Carlos Tadeu 9,702,000 (Nine million, seven hundred and two thousand) blessings.
And on My children who are here I now pour 8,500 (Eight thousand and five hundred) blessings, which they will receive again on February 11th and 12th of next year.
In this way I transform the merits of your charity into great graces upon My children, which I pour upon My children, and thus I can fulfill in them the designs of My Immaculate Heart.
To you My ray of light, the most worthy son of all the great miracles and graces of My Heart.
And to all My beloved children here I bless with love now: of Lourdes, of Pellevoisin and of Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying with Me the great graces of the Lord.
I am your sorrowful Mother from whose face tears descend, for I know all the suffering that awaits you My children, but, I am with you.
Pray without ceasing the Rosary and all the Rosaries of power that I have given you, so that at least the pains will be relieved for you and for My truly faithful children.
I again bless you all with love and leave you My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí