Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, January 7, 2022
Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary Queen and Messenger of Peace through the Visionary Fr. Marcos Tadeo in the Shrine of Apparitions of Jacarei SP Brazil
I am Love, and only through love will you be able to find Me, that is why you must truly be continuous Acts of Love

Sacred Heart of Jesus: My chosen souls, today when one more month of My Apparitions with My Blessed Mother is here, I come again to tell you:
I am Love, and only through love will you be able to find Me, that is why you must truly be continuous Acts of Love.
Be continuous Acts of Love, living unceasingly in My Grace, praising Me, loving Me, giving Me your hearts, living completely in My Heart, letting My Grace act in you and transforming each one of you into the living image of My Heart.
Be continuous Acts of Love, repeating incessantly all day long: MY JESUS I LOVE YOU, so that truly your hearts may be inflamed in Flames of True Love for Me and I may pour upon all of you My Holy Spirit of Grace so that He may transform you into that which My Eternal Father dreamed of, into that which I so desire; a living reflection of His own Grace and beauty.
Be continuous Acts of Love, praying continually the Chaplet of My Sacred Heart, the Chaplet of Love, the Chaplet of My Mercy, living continually in My presence, praying with the heart adoring Me, reading My Messages, so that more and more I may inflame your souls in My Light and thus destroy all darkness within you.
You are My Holy cities, you must be My Holy abodes, therefore expel from within you all darkness, all evil, all sin, all feelings that do not come from Me, so that I may enter and finally fulfill My Will within you.
Prepare yourselves, because shortly I will surprise the world, yes, like a falling snare, I will come suddenly and I will seize each one in the works that he is practicing and there are those who are practicing the works of darkness.
Therefore be converted and return to Me through My Mother, which is the way by which I came the first time and is the way by which every man must come to Me, to meet Me.
Here in this blessed place where My Sacred Heart and that of My Mother, perform and accomplish marvels throughout these many years, My Sacred Heart will triumph and he who obeys Me in My Word will also triumph with My Mother.
Be good, may your souls have only goodness, love and fidelity to My Grace.
I bless you all with Love from Paray Le Monial, Dozule and Jacarei...
Mary Most Holy: I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. Dear children, today when one more month of My Apparitions is completed, here I come again from Heaven to tell you:
The world will only find Peace if it returns to God, so that men may have Peace, you must live what I told you in My Messages:
You must believe, you must pray, you must fast, you must reconcile with God and with others.
For the human heart to have peace, it must do the Divine Will at all times and in all places, it must live the commandment of My Son; To love one another, as I love you, only then will the world have Peace, only then will you have Peace.
It is impossible to have Peace without The Rosary, it is impossible to have Peace without prayer, it is impossible to have Peace in worldly things, it is impossible to have Peace with rancor in the heart, it is impossible to have Peace thinking only of human and worldly things, it is impossible for man to have Peace if he does not elevate his heart to God and think of God and eternal things.
Therefore my children, renew prayer, renew meditation, renew the search for Holiness within you, renew the desire for Heaven, so that your hearts may truly draw closer to God and all that He is, that is Peace, Love, Goodness, Light and Grace, so that your hearts may then be in The Light, be filled with The Light and give that Light to all around you.
Here where I confirmed the truth of My Appearances already in the beginning for my little son Marcos, by making his Rose Garden bloom, I performed wonders throughout the years without counting, and still more I will perform and the more you answer Me YES, the more I will perform the wonders of My Grace.
Yes, here I have performed wonders and much more I will perform for the Triumph of My Heart, so answer me YES, pray more, meditate more on My Messages, move away from worldly things and try to live more in the light of God, in the Light that the Lord gives through prayer, through meditation.
My little son Marcos, today again I bless you, I give you 89 Special Blessings because of the movie Voices from Heaven 11 and for your father Carlos Tadeo I give now One Million 120 Thousand Blessings and for those who are here I give now 872 Special Blessings.
I bless you and I say to you: do not lose heart, I am with you, you are My only Hope, the Cross crushes you but I am with you as I was at the side of My Son Jesus and although those closest to you do not understand, as those closest to you did not understand My Son Jesus, I am at your side and I understand your suffering and I will never, never leave you, I bless you now and all My beloved children of Lourdes, of Potmain and of Jacareí.
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP