Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
The treasure of my tears is the greatest gift of mercy that I give to my children

Feast of Our Lady of Tears
"Dear children, today when you celebrate here the anniversary of my Apparitions to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre, I come again from Heaven to tell you:
The treasure of my tears given to you through my little daughter Amalia is the greatest gift of love and treasure of my heart. Pray the Crown of Tears, the Rosary of my Tears, every day, and then I will be able to shower you all with a great shower of graces from my heart.
The treasure of my tears is the greatest gift of mercy that I give to my children, that I have given to my children, because through the meritorious value of my tears my children will finally be able to obtain the grace of conversion for themselves and sinners all over the world, they will obtain all the graces for their own salvation, and then the mercy of the Lord and my mercy will triumph in the life and soul of so many of my children.
The treasure of my tears is the greatest gift of grace that I have given to my children, because with the meritorious value of my tears they will be able to obtain all the graces of God, they will be able to transform all the evils of the world into victories for the Lord, and even so many victories of my enemy they will be able to convert into triumphs of the Lord, into triumphs of mine, in the life of the nations and of humanity.
Therefore, pray the rosary of my tears every day and you will see, little children, how the grace, love, and mercy of my Immaculate Heart will triumph in the life of each one of you and of the whole world.
Yes, pray the Rosary of my Tears, especially for the conversion of sinners. Here, through various images of me, I have wept over the years, and I have wept in so many places in the world. I have wept for so many of my children who every day are eternally lost and fall into sin. I have wept because every hour a child of mine turns away from me, gets lost in sin and condemns himself.
I wept for this generation completely destroyed and ruined by the action of my enemy, by the domination of Satan and sin. I wept for the children and youth completely ruined and already exposed from an early age to early experiences of evil and sin. I wept for the destroyed families, for the priestly and religious vocations ruined by apostasy, sin and betrayal of their religious vows. I wept especially for all those who even after having known my love, my messages, and having seen so many signs and proofs of the truth of my appearances, would betray me in the future preferring sin, evil, and Satan.
Yes, I wept for all those who despite all my efforts and all the me I did in my apparitions, would still be eternally lost for preferring sin.
Just as I suffered and still suffer today when I remember Judas' betrayal, even though I am in Heaven, I suffer and I weep for all those who betrayed my love, for all those who will still betray me despite my apparitions, my messages, signs and graces.
Pray the Rosary of Tears to console me for this great pain of mine.
Pray the rosary every day to console my heart for this great pain of mine and for so many wounds that even though I am in Heaven glorified, still bleed in my heart and make me suffer for seeing the loss and betrayal of so many of my children.
Pray my Rosary every day so that the world may be converted and have peace.
Yes, the soul that sincerely prays the Rosary of my Tears will not condemn itself, but I will obtain for that soul all the graces necessary for its sanctification and salvation.
Spread more the messages that I gave to my little daughter Amalia and that my obedient little son Marcos recorded and spread for you, so that then the world may know the power of my maternal tears and so that my children may find the right remedy to fix and cure so many evils and so many spiritual illnesses that now exist in the world, and find the right way of salvation that will lead them safely to Heaven.
To you, my son Marcos, who has divulged so much the messages I gave to my little daughter Amalia in Campinas, through the records you recorded and everything you did to make me better known and loved, through my images as I appeared to my little daughter Amalia and also by divulging my medal, to you I give today 93 special graces and to your father Carlos Tadeu for whom you asked me all day long, I give today 72,108 special graces that he will receive every 8th day of each month until he completes one year.
Thus, my son, I generously reward you who has served me so much, loved me so much, and divulged me throughout the years, divulging my hour of tears, the rosary of tears, my messages to my little daughter Amalia, the medal, my image, and everything that through it I asked to be revealed and divulged to the world and that I entrusted to you and you did not let me down. Continue, little son, spreading these messages of mine, because many souls will find in them the light and the necessary strength to go forward without getting discouraged until they reach the glory of Heaven.
My children, give 04 discs of my messages to my little daughter Amalia, and 03 of my hour of tears to my children who do not know them, so that, knowing the power of my tears, they will pray the rosary of my tears and I can truly perform my wonders of love in the life and soul of my beloved children.
I bless you all with love now: from Campinas, from Montichiari and from Jacareí."
Blessed Mary after touching the rosaries and religious objects:
As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries and objects arrive there I will be alive with my daughter Edwiges and my daughter, Catherine of Alexandria, carrying the great graces of the Lord.
To all again I bless that they may be happy and I ask:
Attack my enemy with Rosary 269. Give it to 05 of my children who do not have it, so that my children pray my rosary, free themselves from all the seductions of satan and his insidiousness, and may, with you, walk to eternal life.
To all I leave my peace."