Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and of Saint Lucy of Syracuse
Be Light to This World Shrouded in Darkness

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today I call you again to conversion.
Run away from occasions of sin and also try to kindle in your hearts the true flame of love for my son Jesus and for me, which is the fruit of a right and God-fearing heart.
The fear of God gives rise to the flame of love in your hearts. Whoever fears God respects him and respect produces love. Therefore, dear children, ask for the holy fear of God every day and try to cultivate it in your hearts so that the flame of true love and respect for the Lord and for me may grow more each day in your hearts, leading you to true faithfulness to God and to me.
Pray the Rosary every day and be my mystical roses of prayer, sacrifice and penance.
I am close to you in all your sufferings and never abandon you.
Pray the Rosary of Peace so that your hearts may be freed from all Satan's disturbance and may finally enjoy divine peace.
Here, where I am perfectly and totally loved by my little son Marcos, in the person, at work, in the whole life of this beloved son of mine, dedicated and donated to me, I manifest ever more my power as mother, queen of all graces, and everyone here who is docile to the word of my son Marcos will be blessed by me, For whoever listens to me, whoever despises me, and therefore whoever comes near me and is docile to the word and counsel of my son, will receive from me the grace of my flame of love and my motherly blessing in his heart that will lead him along the sure road of God's holy will and salvation.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, Pontmain and Jacareí".
Message of St. Lucy of Syracuse
"Dear brothers of mine, I, Luzia, Lucía, rejoice in coming today on my feast day to bless you. I bless you all generously now and especially you, Marcos, the most ardent of my devotees and also you, my spiritual son Carlos Thaddeus, whom I love so much and never, never abandon.
(note: At this time, while St. Lucy was blessing, there was a pause in the message).
"Light, be light to the world by living continually in prayer, seeking every day the holiness of you and the perfect union of your souls with God.
"Light, be light to the world living in God's grace, because your bodies, you are temples of the Holy Spirit, so run away from every occasion of sin and seek to live continuously in God's grace.
The body only sins, it is only stained if the soul consents. When the body is stained it is because the soul has consented. Therefore, my brothers, keep your souls always firm in prayer, always firm in working with the Mother of God, because the idle soul will be tempted a thousand times a day to fall into sin.
Keep your souls always busy serving God and the Mother of God as I do, and the occasions of sin will turn away from you, and the infernal enemy will not be able to seduce you and draw you into sin.
Light, be light to the world, giving with your life, with your word and with your heart the shining example of love for God, love for the Mother of God praying the Rosary every day and, above all, helping all your brothers and sisters to walk the path of holiness.
I, Luzia, love you all and in your sufferings I am close to you. Come to me and I will console you.
Now you must truly be strong in faith, strong and firm in prayer, constant in conversion, so that you can truly overcome the great trial that is coming and thus be crowned as victors by Jesus and Mary in Heaven.
Dear Brother Marcos, you are the most ardent of my devotees. How I love you! I will never abandon you. In your sufferings and tribulations come to me and I will always console you. I have so many graces to give you.
Come, ask me and I will give you everything! To you I will deny nothing.
And I bless you too, my beloved brother Carlos Tadeu. Know that the night I was imprisoned on the eve of my death, the Mother of God together with her divine son gave me different visions of their future zeal and love for them and also their love for me. Countless times I saw you praying for me and saying you loved me. This gave me strength to face martyrdom the next morning, because I knew that my sacrifice would not be in vain, it would be taken advantage of, it would be of great benefit to many souls in the future. Yes, your love gave me encouragement, courage, gave strength to my humanity to endure the tremendous test I would have to go through. Do the same with your son Marcos. Your love will heal him and give him courage to face the hard test, the hard suffering he is going through now, the illness, the pain and, thus, he will have the strength to go on.
An 'I love you, son,' yours, will do more for him than a hundred Hail Marys, because the Mother of God has given you the power of a father over him and your word, your blessing and your love, have the power to heal him. Heal him! So heal him with your love, with your word, with your blessing and, thus, he will have the strength to carry the cross of the sacrifice he must make for so many souls in need and without his pain and suffering they will be hopelessly lost.
Yes, he is a small victim, victim of divine love, who immerses himself, who sacrifices himself every day, every night for so many and so many souls who are populating and will populate heaven like bright stars around Jesus and Mary. But so that his humanity does not succumb, the Mother of God chose you and I also chose you to be for him strength, encouragement, support, the Cirineus!
So, speak to him of your love, bless him and with your word encourage him, because your word has the power to heal him, your love has the power to heal him. So embrace him and do with him what you did with me the night before my death: cheer him up and strengthen his humanity! This is your sublime mission and be with him also, echo of the voice of the Mother of God to the whole world, so that everyone can see the light, come into the light and be saved by the light.
I will always be with you and will never abandon you!
Know that at the hour my soul ascended to Heaven and reached the throne of the Blessed Trinity, the latter granted me to ask for anything, and I asked for grace, blessing and peace for you during all the days of your life and I asked the Blessed Trinity to give me the grace to be your maid, your tutor, your protector and advocate.
The Holy Trinity has granted me everything, so whatever you need, ask of me and I will reach for you.
I love you so much and I have so many blessings for you. On February 13, May 13, August 13 and October 13, you will also receive 1000 special blessings from me!
I embrace you now with all my love and tell you, I leave you and give my peace to your heart.
I bless you all and also you, my dear brother Friar Geraldo, Leandro, you who are so dear to me, I bless you now with all my love, I bless your confreres of religious life and everyone here too, I bless you with great love: from Syracuse, from Catania and from Jacareí".
Mary Most Holy after touching the religious objects:
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again with my daughter Luzia so that you may be happy and have peace, and I embrace you all with love".